​​​​Cocker Spaniel Ranking by PowerScore for 2024 Through Q2 (January – June)

Cocker Spaniel Ranking by PowerScore for 2024 Through Q2 (January – June)

The Breed Power 10 is a group of the top 10 dogs in each breed at each height ranked by PowerScore. The Breed Power 10 recognizes the fastest dogs in our sport by using average yards per second, rather than double qualifying (QQ) runs or points. Learn more about the Breed Power 10 and the PowerScore.

A Note About 2024
In 2024, the AKC removed the table from master levels classes effective July 1st, 2024. The removal of a 5 second pause in a standard run completely changes the Yard Per Second of courses from before July 1st versus after July 1st. We have decided, for this year, to put out two final rankings, one for January – June, which includes the table. And one for July-December where there is no table.

In 2025, we will return to one year end ranking with quarterly checkpoints.

Go Back to the Breed Power 10 for 2024 through Q2

8″ Regular

  Power Score Dog Owner JWW YPS STD YPS
1 12.11 MACH Mamaradlo’s Silver Treasure MXS MJB XF M Mamaradlo 4.96 3.57
2 11.85 MACH2 Mamaradlo’s China Doll MXG MJC MFB TQX CGC M Mamaradlo 4.66 3.59
3 10.99 MACH Widdle Magic Mike MXB MJS MFB TQX T2B J Murray 4.34 3.33

12″ Regular

  Power Score Dog Owner JWW YPS STD YPS
1 14.99 CH Saratoga’s Thinking Out Loud MX MXJ MJB OF T2B TKN K Rahm/S Baumgardner/J Stallard 5.17 4.91
2 14.80 Keryer Galloping Grady To The Rescue RE TD MX MXJ MJB OF CGC T Mingus/S Mingus 6.32 4.24
3 14.30 GCH CH MACH Gypsyrose Right As Rayne At Catch Me MXS MJG MXF T2B TKI J Rokosz 5.46 4.42
4 14.20 MACH Skiboo’s Javalin Oliver Twist Of Fate RN FDC MXB MJS MFB TQX T2B3 TKA D Sharp/D Rogers 5.30 4.45
5 14.12 Pinecliff’s Winter Frost MX MXB MXJ MJS MXF RATO CGCA TKP M Monahan 5.29 4.42
6 14.12 MACH Landstar Breakin Waves TDX TDU MXS MJG MXF ACT1 CGC TKN S Hartman 5.50 4.31
7 14.08 Bar-Bax’s Bubbly Bee By The Sparkling Sea MX MXB MXJ MJB MXF BCAT TKN V Hudson/S Martinez 5.46 4.31
8 13.98 CH Saratoga’s Going The Distance MX MXJ OF CGC TKN S Baumgardner/K Rahm/J Stallard 5.32 4.33
9 13.60 MACH5 Kapewood’s Bar-Bax Sea And Beelieve MXS2 MJC2 MFS TQX T2B3 TKN V Hudson/S Martinez Cortes 5.24 4.18
10 13.55 MACH2 Buttonwood’s Born Ready MXG MJG NF SWA SINE SBNE SCE SIE J Albrizio/V Prestia 5.12 4.22

16″ Regular

  Power Score Dog Owner JWW YPS STD YPS
1 14.86 Gypsyrose Gonna Fly Now MX MXJ MJB MXF T2B K Tees/J Tees 5.43 4.71
2 14.28 MACH4 Bristol The Pistol Morris MXS2 PAD MJB2 T2B5 CGCA R Morris 5.57 4.35
3 13.96 AGCH MACH4 Louie Winston Clumberstein MXB2 PDS MJS2 PJS MFG TQX T2B5 FCAT TKE K Sharp 5.40 4.28
4 12.59 GCH CH MACH Dunmorr’s Faster Than A Speeding Bullet MXS MJB2 MXF T2B DCAT SIN CGC J Braun 4.79 3.90

8″ Preferred

  Power Score Dog Owner JWW YPS STD YPS
1 15.01 MACH2 Sammie Mae MXS PAD MJS PJD MXP MJP MXF T2B3 TKA C Parker 5.64 4.68
2 13.76 AGCH MACH3 Maxximum Terror Alert RN MXB2 PDS MJS2 PJS MFG T2B6 SWA CGC TKA K Schmidt 5.52 4.12
3 13.37 MACH5 PACH Catch Me’s Petal To The Metal MXS2 MJG2 MXP4 MXPB MJP5 MJPS PAX NF TKN S Hartman/J Rokosz 5.11 4.13
4 13.10 MACH6 Saratoga’s Fire In The Hole CD RE FDC MXS2 MJS2 MXP MJP XF T2B2 DS CGC TKA K Rahm/S Baumbarger 5.04 4.03
5 12.71 AGCH MACH5 PACH4 K-Line’s Parti Like A Rock Star RN MXS2 PAD MJC2 PJD MXP10 MXPC MJP12 MJPC PAX4 MFG TQX T2B4 TKA C Hess/A Hess 4.80 3.96
6 12.21 MACH Lindiwe Ludlum MXB MJS PJD MXF TQX T2B CGC J Ludlum 4.79 3.71
7 11.91 MACH PACH Briar Rose Ms. Bella Supreme MXB MJG MXP4 MXPB MJP5 MJPS PAX OF MFP T2B T2BP A Williams 4.52 3.69
8 11.80 CH Eternity’s Gold Country Boy- Sutter RN TD MX MXB MXJ MJB MFG SWN SCA SIA SEA TKN S Thomsen 4.78 3.51
9 10.76 Anias Kylie An Cookies N Creme Surprise AX AXJ OF XFP K Parkin 4.38 3.19
10 10.65 Royale’s One More For Our Gang AXP AJP XFP T2BP M Fieseler 4.49 3.08

12″ Preferred

  Power Score Dog Owner JWW YPS STD YPS
1 15.24 Earl Of The High Desert, King Of Hearts AXP MJP MFP CGC TKI C Parker 5.65 4.79
2 12.75 ResQ’s Win Tin Tin AX OAJ MXP2 MXPB MJP5 MJPS NF XFP ACT2 TKI K Sharp/S Rogers 4.99 3.88
3 11.06 CH MACH Ramahs Positively Guns N Roses VCD2 UD RN MXB MJB MXP2 MJP CGC TKA I Barrie 4.19 3.43
4 10.41 MACH6 PACH3 Joey D. Prestia Albrizio MXS2 MJG2 PJD MXP9 MXPG MJP10 MJPC PAX3 XF CGC V Prestia/J Albrizio 3.91 3.25
5 10.35 AGCH2 MACH2 PACH10 Degen Cove’s Skipper BN MXG MJG MXP26 MXPS3 PDCP MJP27 MJPS3 PJCP PAX11 MXF MFPS2 TQXP T2B3 T2BP7 B Guzenske/S Guzenske 3.86 3.25
6 9.80 CH PACH2 Countrystars Gold Rush VCD2 UD RN NAJ MXP9 MXPG MJP8 MJPG PAX3 CGCA TKA I Barrie 3.51 3.15
7 9.20 PACH Ananda Balaram AX AXJ MXP7 MXPS MJP7 MJPS PAX2 NF MFPB TQXP T2BP2 CGC TKN J Rodrigues 3.53 2.84


Attention AKC Competitors
