​​​​Belgian Sheepdog Ranking by PowerScore for 2014

The Breed Power 10 is a group of the top 10 dogs in each breed at each height ranked by PowerScore. The Breed Power 10 recognizes the fastest dogs in our sport by using average yards per second, rather than double qualifying (QQ) runs or points. Learn more about the Breed Power 10 and the PowerScore.
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20″ Regular

  Power Score Dog Owner JWW YPS STD YPS
1 14.90 Cosmic Calamity AX AXJ MXF R Artymyshyn/R Artymyshyn 6.15 4.37
2 13.48 Lexus — MACH2 Lexus With An Attitude MXC MJB2 XF J Keller 5.08 4.20
3 12.64 Isengards Chas’N The Wind Blackstorm AX AXJ F Maxwell 5.53 3.56
4 12.40 CH MACH2 Belroyale’s Indy Pendence MXG MJG L Mizrahi 4.97 3.72
5 12.39 CH Belroyale’s Brilliance N Black MX MXB MXJ MJB L Mizrahi 4.91 3.74
6 12.27 Images To The Pointe At Shalyn CD RN MX MXB MXJ MJB L Sharkey/R Croft 5.21 3.53
7 11.83 MACH2 Masterpiece’s E Street Echo CDX RE MXC MJC NAP NJP OF T2B4 K Agacinski 4.59 3.62
8 11.75 Elancer’s Delightful Black Gold MX MXB MXJ MJS C Eckhoff/K Eckhoff 4.60 3.58
9 11.66 Good Time Girl De La Fusee MX MXB MXJ MJS MXF MFB T2B2 S Lafuse 4.32 3.67
10 10.20 Isengard’s Willow Of The West CD RAE AX AXJ OF A Kipin Acerra 4.08 3.06

24″ Regular

  Power Score Dog Owner JWW YPS STD YPS
1 15.52 D’Artagnan Du Volant MX MXB MXJ MJB D Antlitz 5.72 4.90
2 14.84 What A Chase Du Josar MX AXJ NF T2B M Motta 5.91 4.47
3 14.80 The Swirling Tuula Du Josar AX MXJ MXF W Beard 5.44 4.68
4 14.60 Lann Morian Knife MX MXJ MXF J Hagar/D Vesely 5.93 4.34
5 14.42 Chancerys Don’T Pass Me By MX MXJ MXF S Mogerley 5.76 4.33
6 14.19 CH MACH3 Black Gold Promise Kept MXC MJB2 MXF TQX C Von Ostwalden/M Reshef/R Reinhart 5.35 4.42
7 14.17 MACH2 Gliding High Du Volant MXG MJG XF T2B N Parker/J Parker 5.25 4.46
8 14.14 MACH Rolin Ridge’s Genuine Gold CDX RE PT MXS MJG MXF T2B S Garvin 5.45 4.35
9 14.03 MACH Backwoods Reverie Maverick RE MXS MJS MXF T2B3 S Ventura/J Miller 5.48 4.28
10 13.41 GCH CH Cosmic Dark Energy MX MXB MXJ MXF R Artymyshyn/R Artymyshyn 5.35 4.03

16″ Preferred

  Power Score Dog Owner JWW YPS STD YPS
1 11.37 CH Reverie’s Jazz Solo RA AX AXJ A Baer/J Miller 4.27 3.55
2 10.60 Kaponomana Heart Of Obsidian TDX PT MX MXJ NAP D Vesely/J Hagar 4.04 3.28
3 9.37 My Miss Gidget Hekate Kuymal CDX RN AX AXJ MXP4 MXPB MJP4 MJPB PAX S Roble 3.58 2.89

20″ Preferred

  Power Score Dog Owner JWW YPS STD YPS
1 14.80 Sign Of The Tines OA NAJ AXP AJP OF R Lindholm 5.85 4.48
2 13.10 CH Kimstone’s Amanda Lite Of My Life AXP AJP R Thomsen/M Thomsen 5.43 3.84
3 11.86 MACH2 PACH Isengard’s Unleashed RN MXS MJG MXP3 MXPB MJPB PAX XF S Anderson/L Miller 4.41 3.73
4 11.66 PACH5 Black Ice’s Alpine Allure RN MXP16 MXPS2 MJP22 MJPC2 PAX5 A McGregor 4.30 3.68
5 11.13 CH MACH2 Isengard’s Slide’N Into Bayview CDX RE MXS MJS MXP2 MJP3 MJPB OF L Brady/K Hodges 4.33 3.40
6 9.76 Moonlite’s Bear Necessity CD RE MX MXJ OF J Hite 3.82 2.97
7 9.66 CH Celebre Grayson Taking Chances CDX RE MX MXJ NAP NJP K Hodges 3.73 2.96
8 9.63 Krestgill’s Starlight Serafina RN MX MXB MXJ MJB MXP MJP2 OF S Myer 3.40 3.11
9 9.58 Phoenix Life Of The Party AXP MJP V Beattie/H Beattie 3.95 2.82
10 9.53 Sumerwynd Return Of The King RE MX MXJ MXP MJP XF B Watson/A Watson 3.71 2.91


Attention AKC Competitors
