​​​​Bichon Frise Ranking by PowerScore for 2005

The Breed Power 10 is a group of the top 10 dogs in each breed at each height ranked by PowerScore. The Breed Power 10 recognizes the fastest dogs in our sport by using average yards per second, rather than double qualifying (QQ) runs or points. Learn more about the Breed Power 10 and the PowerScore.
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8″ Regular

  Power Score Dog Owner JWW YPS STD YPS
1 10.10 MACH Absoulute Daisy MXB MJS S Steadham 4.20 2.95
2 9.91 MACH Shemi-Changa CD RN MXB MJS NAP NJP NF NFP C Seets 4.13 2.89
3 8.75 Blake-Bow’s Windsum Mystery AX AXJ L Bowman/S Williams/K Koch Dick 3.49 2.63
4 8.52 Lord Koenigs Lady Annabelle AX AXJ S Koenig 3.64 2.44
5 8.48 Lady Amy Ann MX AXJ D Jansey 3.19 2.64
6 8.45 Hatch Girls Callie Lueck CDX AX AXJ M Lueck/T Lueck 3.40 2.53
7 8.26 CH Mon Cheri Chaminade De Neige MX MXJ S Brockett/B Stubbs 3.29 2.48
8 8.18 Worth The Wait CDX RN AX AXJ AXP AJP D Montgomery 3.24 2.47

12″ Regular

  Power Score Dog Owner JWW YPS STD YPS
1 10.85 MACH2 Senna’s Baltinator MXS MJG H Schmidt/S Schmidt 4.11 3.37
2 10.84 MACH4 Poppy Snow Ashworth MXB2 MJS2 XF C Myers 4.03 3.41
3 10.62 Louis Guillaume AX AXJ OAP NJP B Allen 3.98 3.32
4 10.16 Happy Go Ryelee CD RN MX MXB MXJ MJS R Fish 3.89 3.14
5 10.15 MACH3 Revenee Bijou L’Etoile MXC MJB2 AXP AJP J Ouchterloney/D Ouchterloney 4.05 3.05
6 9.94 Ruby Gem AX MXJ MJB P Smigiel 4.28 2.83
7 9.80 MACH Dj’s Hobbes-My Philosopher CD RE MXB MJS D Cowan 3.90 2.95
8 9.53 MACH William Rufus Hammermoor MXS MJG XF N Bayless/J Root 3.89 2.82
9 9.51 Pete RN MX MXB MXJ MJB NF M Greenwood/K Moench 3.73 2.89
10 9.34 MACH Cali MXB2 MJG K Puerner 3.69 2.82


Attention AKC Competitors
