​​​​Standard Schnauzer Ranking by PowerScore for 2005

The Breed Power 10 is a group of the top 10 dogs in each breed at each height ranked by PowerScore. The Breed Power 10 recognizes the fastest dogs in our sport by using average yards per second, rather than double qualifying (QQ) runs or points. Learn more about the Breed Power 10 and the PowerScore.
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16″ Regular

  Power Score Dog Owner JWW YPS STD YPS
1 11.92 Motzie — MACH19 Motzfelt Von Kappen MXS5 MJG5 MJP MXF MFB TQX M Lehman 4.89 3.51
2 11.13 MACH2 My Bonnie Lass MXS MJS NAP NJP W Park 4.30 3.42
3 10.86 CH MACH Shana’s Obsession MXS MJG NF J Shankweiler/L Shank/M Shankweiler 4.20 3.33
4 9.83 MACH Centennial Skico ‘Cassidyjazz CD RN PT MXS MJS MXP2 MXPB MJP5 MJPS OFP L Gitlin 3.92 2.96
5 9.83 CH Weesbad Uhlan Go Lightly CDX RE MX MXJ NAP NJP XF C Rohlfing/D Garner/R Quay 3.75 3.04
6 9.58 Shana’s To B Or Not To Abby AX MXJ L Muscato/H Kwasniewski 3.86 2.86
7 9.41 CH Jordan Aspen Of Windtree CD RN MX MXJ MJB S Lambert 3.79 2.81
8 9.18 CH Uhlan Blue Note CDX RA MX MXJ AXP MJP XF C Rohlfing 3.69 2.74

20″ Regular

  Power Score Dog Owner JWW YPS STD YPS
1 13.06 MACH Skansen’s Max IV VCD2 MXS MJG XF D Wilkinson/C Wilkinson 5.12 3.97
2 11.23 MACH2 Peprmill Shana Jak All Trades CD MXS MJG XF L Wadsworth 4.41 3.41
3 10.50 MACH Libby Odessa CDX MXC MJS MXP MJP NF C Digiovanni 3.90 3.30
4 10.38 CH Arjo’s Rocky Mountain High MX MXJ MJB NJP A Mccullough/J Mccullough 4.07 3.16
5 10.20 CH MACH2 Das Rheingold’s Gimli VCD2 UDX4 OM4 RE MXB2 MJS2 MXP MJP2 XF T2B C Rohlfing/D Frasca 3.98 3.11
6 9.40 CH Carbor’s Flim Flam Man MX AXJ AXP AJP S Parkhurst/C Borrelli 3.70 2.85

12″ Preferred

  Power Score Dog Owner JWW YPS STD YPS
1 8.61 Kumpel’s Fire Spirit N’ Spice RN MX MXB MXJ MJB AXP AJP P Bott 3.51 2.55


Attention AKC Competitors
