​​​​American Eskimo Dog Ranking by PowerScore for 2012

The Breed Power 10 is a group of the top 10 dogs in each breed at each height ranked by PowerScore. The Breed Power 10 recognizes the fastest dogs in our sport by using average yards per second, rather than double qualifying (QQ) runs or points. Learn more about the Breed Power 10 and the PowerScore.
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8″ Regular

  Power Score Dog Owner JWW YPS STD YPS
1 9.68 CH MACH2 Ducat’s Keebler Cheesecake MXS MJG MXP MJP XF T2B T2BP H Dorrance 3.39 3.14
2 8.87 Sadie Shady Lady AX MXJ NF C Domato 3.39 2.74

12″ Regular

  Power Score Dog Owner JWW YPS STD YPS
1 14.38 MACH18 Artcrose’s Livin On The Edge MXS5 MJG6 S Michaels 5.47 4.45
2 13.77 MACH19 Morgan’s Risky Bizness MXS6 MJB7 NF S Michaels 5.15 4.31
3 12.45 Tweek — MACH8 Kessona Too Much Caffeine MXB3 MJG3 XF L Ancona/J Kessel 4.68 3.88
4 11.97 Viva — MACH3 Kessona Life In The Fast Lane MXC MJB2 XF L Ancona/J Kessel 4.70 3.64
5 11.92 Soozie — CH MACH13 Kessona Zasu Spitz MXS4 MJB5 MXF L Ancona/J Kessel 4.41 3.75
6 10.92 MACH Cherub’s A Walk In The Park CD MXS MJS MJP J VanHorn 3.96 3.48
7 10.57 MACH12 Snobitz Windy Storm MXC3 MJG4 AXP AJP J Kusek/L Kusek 4.08 3.25
8 10.10 Emma — CH MACH2 Ricks’ Emma Rose Of Sycamore CD RA MXG MJG XF CA THD CGC K Ricks/J Ricks 4.07 3.01
9 10.08 CH MACH4 PACH4 Lee’s L’Il Bit Of Heaven MXS2 MJG2 MXP13 MXPB2 MJP13 MJPB2 PAX5 OF C Hofer/W Hofer 3.64 3.22
10 9.13 MACH Cir-B’s Miss Ellie UD RA MXS MJS NF T Martyn/S Martyn 3.48 2.83

16″ Regular

  Power Score Dog Owner JWW YPS STD YPS
1 14.32 CH MACH4 Besota’s Great Alaskan Folly CDX RA MXG2 MJC2 MXF R Smith/G Rawsky 5.36 4.48
2 14.05 Becca — MACH6 Becca La Voie RN MXC2 MJS3 MFB TQX T2B2 C La Voie 5.42 4.32
3 13.68 MACH19 Eskipade’s Alaskan Fool’s Gold CD BN RN MXS5 MJS6 MXF TQX T2B CGC R Smith/G Rawsky 5.04 4.32
4 13.59 MACH16 Eskipade Frank’s Luxury SUV CD RN MXC4 MJC5 MXF TQX T2B2 R Smith/G Rawsky 5.02 4.29
5 13.32 MACH Troopers Tribute On Tavistock MXB MJG MXF T2B3 CGC A Embry 4.86 4.23
6 12.87 Besota’s Hullabaloo Ltd MX MXJ MJP XF C Ricco 5.18 3.84
7 12.56 MACH22 Sr Extreme Curiosity MXB6 MJG6 MFB TQX T2B4 D Schneider 4.66 3.95
8 12.32 CH Kessona Flashy Z Of Snostorm AX MXJ XF T2B T Woods 4.56 3.88
9 12.16 CH R-Tic’s Reykja Victoria MX MXB MXJ MJS XF K Jacobs/D Jacobs 4.34 3.91
10 11.68 CH MACH9 Besota’s Strike It Rich CD RA MXS3 MJG3 MXF G Rawsky/R Smith 4.40 3.64

8″ Preferred

  Power Score Dog Owner JWW YPS STD YPS
1 10.91 MACH12 Snobitz Windy Storm MXC3 MJG4 AXP AJP J Kusek/L Kusek 4.29 3.31
2 8.32 MACH Rose Bud MXB MJS OAP AJP OF C Domato 3.23 2.55
3 8.21 CH PACH Wrights Conan Thief Of Hearts MX MXJ MXP9 MXPG MJP11 MJPC PAX3 NFP C Hofer 3.21 2.50

12″ Preferred

  Power Score Dog Owner JWW YPS STD YPS
1 10.22 MACH2 PR Chantacliere’s Precious RN MXS MJG AXP AJP NF M Schafer/K Schafer 3.90 3.16

16″ Preferred

  Power Score Dog Owner JWW YPS STD YPS
1 10.73 PACH Thunderpas Maximus Decimus CD MX MXJ MXP5 MXPS MJP7 MJPS PAX2 H Dellinger 4.07 3.33


Attention AKC Competitors
