​​​​Bearded Collie Ranking by PowerScore for 2011

The Breed Power 10 is a group of the top 10 dogs in each breed at each height ranked by PowerScore. The Breed Power 10 recognizes the fastest dogs in our sport by using average yards per second, rather than double qualifying (QQ) runs or points. Learn more about the Breed Power 10 and the PowerScore.
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20″ Regular

  Power Score Dog Owner JWW YPS STD YPS
1 14.43 Wyndmist Gravity Storm RN MX MXJ MXF M Riechman 5.44 4.50
2 14.27 MACH2 Cameron Sugarland Express UDX OM1 RN MXC MJS2 XF T2B J Scarborough 5.41 4.43
3 14.25 MACH7 Camerons On The Cutting Edge MXG2 MJS3 OF T2B2 L Weinberg 5.65 4.30
4 13.98 Chaniam Claddagh Fainne RN AX MXJ OF L Lo/K Rupe 5.48 4.25
5 13.83 CH Isle Works Like A Charm AX MXJ NF J Morris/J Tadsen 5.55 4.14
6 13.66 Mika — MACH9 Fox Lane’s Mika At Twe Edd Ale MXC3 MJC3 MXF TQX T2B L Porter 5.37 4.14
7 13.53 CH MACH Lil’ Clove Hello Poppet CD RE HSAs MXS MJS MXP MJP NF CGCA T Wisner/C Wisner 5.10 4.22
8 13.48 CH Wiggleworth Which Way Now HSAs MX MXJ MJB OF T2B M Harthill 5.30 4.09
9 13.47 CH MACH2 Wigglesworth Walk This Way CD RA MXC MJB2 MXF MFB T2B D Lipman/S Ipser/J Ipser 5.17 4.15
10 13.46 CH Calleigh’s I’M Your Ticket RN AX AXJ NF J Vallone/T Vallone 5.20 4.13

24″ Regular

  Power Score Dog Owner JWW YPS STD YPS
1 13.01 Siren UD AX MXJ NAP NJP NF T Troll 5.39 3.81
2 11.33 CH MACH Sheiling Awesome Angel UDX OM2 RE PT MXS MJS AXP AJP E O’Carroll 4.42 3.46
3 9.88 CH MACH2 PACH Wynsum Hard Habit To Break RE MXB2 MJS2 MXP7 MXPS MJP6 MJPS PAX2 XF THD R Leverenz/J Leverenz/C Carlsen 3.82 3.03

16″ Preferred

  Power Score Dog Owner JWW YPS STD YPS
1 13.96 MACH Chaniam Creag MXS MJG AXP MJP2 XF L Weinberg 5.43 4.26
2 12.43 Flash — CH MACH PACH2 Britannia Flashback CD RAE HSAds HSBd HIAds HXAds MXS MJG MXP6 MXPS MJP8 MJPG PAX2 MXF MFP MFPS TQXP T2BP J Williamson 5.00 3.71
3 11.96 MACH Spindrift Risa Hot Stuff CD RA MXB MJS MXP MJP2 P Bott/J Dozet/P Harris 4.51 3.72
4 9.14 Marjac’s Quietly Makin’noise RN NA NAJ OAP AJP NFP M Riechman/J Riechman 3.32 2.91

20″ Preferred

  Power Score Dog Owner JWW YPS STD YPS
1 12.11 Colard Fly With Me RE PT AX AXJ AXP AJP XF XFP J Mulders/M Mulders 4.86 3.62


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