​​​​Border Collie Ranking by PowerScore for 2002

The Breed Power 10 is a group of the top 10 dogs in each breed at each height ranked by PowerScore. The Breed Power 10 recognizes the fastest dogs in our sport by using average yards per second, rather than double qualifying (QQ) runs or points. Learn more about the Breed Power 10 and the PowerScore.
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16″ Regular

  Power Score Dog Owner JWW YPS STD YPS
1 14.43 OTCH HC MACH2 Hob Nob Status Symbol UDX2 RA HS HIAs HXAs MXC MJG XF C Schiefer 5.77 4.33
2 13.93 MACH Wildfires Clean Sweep MXS MJS XF S Dow 5.41 4.26
3 13.23 MACH3 Comebye Miss Demeanor MXG MJC A Braue 5.28 3.97
4 12.66 CH OTCH MACH Highland Hot Off The Press UDX MXB MJB S Gourley/A Silverton 5.21 3.73
5 12.49 MACH Lukan Bonclyde’s Amazing Grace MXG MJS B Buchanan 5.20 3.65
6 12.26 MACH Lu-Bar’s Starburst O Red CDX RA MXB MJG XF B Petty 4.97 3.64
7 12.04 CH MACH Terbo Charged Pushn The Line CD MXS MJS J Kujawski 4.88 3.58
8 11.74 Mag HXAs MX MXJ L Zich 4.58 3.58
9 10.98 TC OTCH Outburst Chasing Butterflies VCD2 UDX RA HSAds HSBds HIAds HIBd HXAds MXB MJB NAP NJP G Darnell 4.49 3.24
10 10.64 Tess VI AX AXJ B Melcher 4.24 3.20

20″ Regular

  Power Score Dog Owner JWW YPS STD YPS
1 15.65 NAC MACH7 Comebye Jessie Lee CDX MXS2 MJS2 L Kipp 6.07 4.79
2 15.53 MACH2 Qwik MXG MJG XF S Mah 6.35 4.59
3 15.37 MACH12 Lukan’s Mister Big Stuff MXB4 MJS4 MXP MJP XF L Mecklenburg 6.12 4.63
4 15.27 CH MACH3 Blitzen’s Held Hostage CD MXB2 MJC MXP2 MXPB MJP2 NF S Kluever 6.14 4.57
5 15.18 Cap MX MXJ M Swanson/D Rohaus 5.74 4.72
6 15.11 MACH2 Lunarlit Rippel Effect MXC MJC S Freilich 6.02 4.54
7 15.08 NAC MACH6 Top Shelf Remy Martin Xo MXG2 MJS2 NAP NJP MXF T Smorch 5.94 4.57
8 15.05 NAC MACH3 Quicksilver Time Flys CD MXC MJC J Clas 5.93 4.56
9 15.01 Fidelis Cruise Control AX AXJ C Kennedy 5.98 4.52
10 14.97 MACH4 Twist Of Luca HSAs HSBs HIAs MXB2 MJB2 OF D Bauman 5.97 4.50

24″ Regular

  Power Score Dog Owner JWW YPS STD YPS
1 15.65 MACH2 Qwik MXG MJG XF S Mah 6.05 4.80
2 15.42 MACH4 Quicksilver Ready Aim Fire MXS2 MJS2 C Ott 5.92 4.75
3 15.34 MACH4 Hob Nob Ketch The Wave MXB2 MJB2 W Pape/J Demello 6.11 4.62
4 15.31 MACH3 Sagehill Catchher MXC MJC A Roukas 5.99 4.66
5 15.13 MACH2 Peak’s Juice MXG MJG M Topps 5.95 4.59
6 15.10 MACH3 Baileys’ Comet MXC MJC S Frick 5.97 4.57
7 15.02 MACH2 Wicked MXG MJG N Gyes 5.88 4.57
8 15.00 MACH2 Silversage’s Ever So Clever MXS MJG P Simpson 5.78 4.61
9 14.93 MACH6 Just Enuff Zest RA MXC2 MJC2 NAP XF S Klar 5.73 4.60
10 14.87 MACH2 Revel In The Moment MXG MJG B Demascio 6.14 4.37


Attention AKC Competitors
