​​​​Cardigan Welsh Corgi Ranking by PowerScore for 2020 – Through Q2

The Breed Power 10 is a group of the top 10 dogs in each breed at each height ranked by PowerScore. The Breed Power 10 recognizes the fastest dogs in our sport by using average yards per second, rather than double qualifying (QQ) runs or points. Learn more about the Breed Power 10 and the PowerScore.
Go Back to the Breed Power 10 for 2020 – Through Q2

8″ Regular

  Power Score Dog Owner JWW YPS STD YPS
1 12.74 MACH3 Raglan Blue By Ewe MXG MJB2 J McKim 4.91 3.92
2 12.58 MACH Aramora’s No More Worries CD BN RE MXB MJB V Tesch/J Tesch 4.85 3.86
3 12.46 Fernbriar What’s The Name Of That Song CD RN MX MXJ MXF T2B BCAT CGC K Roberts/E ROBERTS 4.80 3.83
4 12.02 MACH Cardiridge Zooming Around Moonbeams MXB MJB J McKim 4.79 3.61
5 11.94 Marzi — MACH16 Cornerstone’s Little Marzipan MXS5 MJB5 J McKim 4.61 3.67
6 11.18 Corwynt Tayken Amazing MX MXB MXJ MJB NF S Stephon/D Lonnquist 4.30 3.44
7 11.01 CH MACH3 Riverbend Olathea RN MXG MJC MXF TQX T2B CGC K Gibson/K Gibson 4.17 3.42
8 10.64 MACH2 Corwynt Tayken Shifting Gears RA TD HSAd HIAds HXAd HSAsM MXG MJG NJP MXF T2B S Ammerman/D Ammerman/D Lonnquist 3.80 3.42
9 10.61 MACH2 Aramoras Livin On The Edge BN RE MXS MJG J Tesch/K Tesch 4.05 3.28
10 10.24 MACH3 Heritage Hill Copperhead Penny MXG PAD MJG PJD MFB TQX T2B L Mark 3.86 3.18

12″ Regular

  Power Score Dog Owner JWW YPS STD YPS
1 10.82 CH White Raven Come Friends AX AXJ XF K Gibson/White Raven Knl 4.09 3.36
2 9.43 Bendi’s Rb I’M A Great Catch RN MX MXS MXJ MJB XF CGC C Lord 3.48 2.98

4″ Preferred

  Power Score Dog Owner JWW YPS STD YPS
1 13.78 CH PACH Cool Sensation Z Domu Polanki BN RN MXP7 MXPS MJP7 MJPS PAX XFP BCAT CGC TKN H Masch 5.32 4.23
2 13.14 MACH3 PACH2 Corwynt Tayken Livin’ On The Edge TD MXB2 MJC MXP8 MXPG PADP MJP7 MJPS PJDP PAX2 MFB MFPB T2B2 T2BP S Stephon/D Lonnquist 5.03 4.05
3 11.23 MACH2 PACH Holleighsnowrose Reba Mcentail MXG MJG MXP4 MXPB MJP3 MJPB PAX T2B T2BP K Roberts/E ROBERTS 4.30 3.46
4 10.91 PACH5 Putnam MXP14 MXPB2 MJP16 MJPS2 PAX5 NFP T2BP E Harper 4.05 3.43
5 10.28 White Hart Brynllyn O Ceredigion MXP MJP XFP D Hall 4.03 3.12
6 9.18 Bug — AGCH MACH7 Wyvern’s Rubio CD RAE FDC MXS3 PDS MJS3 PJS MJP MFG TQX T2B5 CAA CGCA TKA J Powers 3.48 2.85
7 9.10 MACH3 PACH8 Aramora’s Caught You Looking CD RM RAE MXC MJC MXP19 MXPG2 MJP18 MJPG2 PAX8 NFP J Tesch/K Tesch 3.40 2.85
8 9.06 PACH2 Xtacee Fade To Black @ Winddancer MXP7 MXPG MJP6 MJPS PAX2 NFP CGC H Masch/L Rhyner 3.28 2.89
9 9.04 CH MACH2 Xiv Karat Something To Rave About At Lazy Paws BN RN MXG MJG NAP NJP K Kemp/M Kemp/S Hurst 3.38 2.83
10 8.80 GCHB CH Nicholar’s Unforgettable CD BN RA MX MXJ MXP2 MXPB MJP2 CA THD CGC S Young 3.17 2.82

8″ Preferred

  Power Score Dog Owner JWW YPS STD YPS
1 12.81 PACH2 Winbuck’s Three Is A Hat Trick BN RN PT MXP8 MXPG MJP10 MJPC PJDP PAX2 XFP T2BP CA CGC J Matye/C Ritter-Matye 4.83 3.99
2 12.08 CH Winbucks Mighty Blue Storm UDX PCDX OM2 BN GN GO RE OA OAJ AXP MJP NFP CA DCAT RATO CGC TKI N Youngen 4.65 3.71
3 11.72 PACH2 Winbuck’s Shining On Me MXP6 MXPS MJP7 MJPS PAX2 MFP T2BP TKA A Ryder 4.44 3.64
4 11.52 Rhoswen Cooper’s Punchline MXP2 MXPB MJP5 MJPS MFPB TQXP T2BP2 C Daniels 4.48 3.52
5 11.21 CH Corwynt Tayken The Perfect Storm TD AX AXJ MJP NF D Lonnquist/S Stephon 4.07 3.57
6 11.08 CH Raconteur New Wave MXP MJP2 MJPB T2BP S Payne 3.96 3.56
7 11.05 Raconteur Roaring Cadence MXP AJP R CONERY 4.15 3.45
8 11.01 CH White Raven Gilbert’s Sullivan MXP MJP4 MJPB OFP BCAT ACT2 CGCA TKA S Brownlee/White Raven Knl/M Macleod 4.35 3.33
9 10.21 CH White Raven Life In The Fast Lane At Ginger Lane AXP AJP OFP S Goetzke/J Kimball/S Davis/A Harkavy 3.83 3.19
10 9.81 Aramoras Rev It Up RN AXP AJP J Tesch/K Tesch 4.47 2.67


Attention AKC Competitors
