​​​​Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Ranking by PowerScore for 2003

The Breed Power 10 is a group of the top 10 dogs in each breed at each height ranked by PowerScore. The Breed Power 10 recognizes the fastest dogs in our sport by using average yards per second, rather than double qualifying (QQ) runs or points. Learn more about the Breed Power 10 and the PowerScore.
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12″ Regular

  Power Score Dog Owner JWW YPS STD YPS
1 11.03 MACH Kenjockety Mardi Gras CD RN MXS MJS MXP2 MJP2 MJPB NFP B Laroza 4.27 3.38
2 10.16 MACH Blalock Everything Nice MXB MJB D Johnston 3.83 3.16
3 9.97 MACH2 Fair Oaks The Joker Is Wild MXG MJC OF I Nadal/B Nadal 3.79 3.09
4 9.91 MACH Henrietta I Am I Am MXB MJB D Johnston 3.80 3.06
5 9.88 CH Courtlore’s Crown Prince MX MXB MXJ MJB E Bourne/H Bourne 3.81 3.03
6 9.83 CH MACH Rattlebridge Over The Top UD MXB MJB A Houdek 3.76 3.03
7 9.78 Chadwick Sound Of Silence MX MXJ S Holm/C Eckersley 3.72 3.03
8 9.68 MACH2 Cordial Bet I Can CD MXS MJC J Bourgholtzer 3.81 2.94
9 9.56 MACH2 Laylagrove I’Ve Got Rhythm CDX MXG MJG J Hedderick 3.54 3.01
10 9.49 CH Cecile V.H. Lamslag CD AX AXJ J York 3.46 3.01

16″ Regular

  Power Score Dog Owner JWW YPS STD YPS
1 10.08 MACH2 Buddington’s Enchanting Baryshnikov MXS MJG E Fortna 3.81 3.14
2 9.47 Cobblestone Buford CDX RA MX MXS MXJ MJB NAP NJP NFP L Henry 3.65 2.91
3 9.30 Die Fledermaus Von Der Holle MX MXB MXJ AXP MJP P Kopco/M Orloff 3.71 2.80

8″ Preferred

  Power Score Dog Owner JWW YPS STD YPS
1 8.07 CH Jengem Jackpot UD MX AXJ MXP AJP J York 3.02 2.52


Attention AKC Competitors
