​​​​Dachshund Ranking by PowerScore for 2024 Through Q1

Dachshund Ranking by PowerScore for 2024 Through Q1

The Breed Power 10 is a group of the top 10 dogs in each breed at each height ranked by PowerScore. The Breed Power 10 recognizes the fastest dogs in our sport by using average yards per second, rather than double qualifying (QQ) runs or points. Learn more about the Breed Power 10 and the PowerScore.
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8″ Regular

  Power Score Dog Owner JWW YPS STD YPS
1 11.96 Jalyse’s Set Fire To The Rain Ml AX AXJ XF JE DJ CGC TKI D Mills 4.36 3.80
2 10.76 CH Raydachs Spitfire V Harewood MX MXJ MJB MXF DCAT SCN SBN CGC TKN S Alexander 3.94 3.41
3 10.67 FC MACH Jalyse’s Don’T Feed The Plants RA MXS MJS NAP NJP MXF NFP BCAT RATN L Ebel 4.00 3.33
4 10.62 MACH8 Teamint Rouge V Dorndorf L TD MXB3 MJB3 CA FCAT M Brinker 4.09 3.27
5 10.55 MACH Jalyse’s Marvelous Mister Mullins Ml MXS MJS C Ponzo/J Mullins 3.96 3.30
6 10.26 Vanilla Rouge V Dorndorf L MX MXB MXJ MJB DCAT M Brinker 3.97 3.14
7 9.99 CH Hundeleben Prasidant Sl AX AXJ CGC TKN S Burgess 3.64 3.17
8 9.97 TC Sharpree’s Lightning (Bug) In A Bottle! VCD1 BN RN TDU MXB MJS JE S McDonald 3.81 3.08
9 9.85 Entourage Sirius Contender Mw MX MXJ MXF JE S Storey/M Rauch 3.63 3.11
10 9.41 MACH2 Leonard’s Bella MXG MJC MXF ACT1 TKN J Leonard 3.45 2.98

4″ Preferred

  Power Score Dog Owner JWW YPS STD YPS
1 11.49 PACH2 Re:Joyce New Star Sw RA MXP6 MXPS PADP MJP9 MJPG PJDP PAX2 XFP T2BP S Zislin 4.43 3.53
2 11.14 MACH betterwthbuttersonthdachside BN MXB MJB MJP N Vasilopoulas 4.20 3.47
3 11.09 PACH5 Daphne Lauren Mills-MacDonald NA OAJ MXP15 MXPS2 MJP16 MJPS2 PAX5 T2BP M Mills 4.27 3.41
4 10.62 Merlins Magical Moment MXP MJP OFP D Katona 3.72 3.45
5 9.82 FC MACH Sharpree’s Don’ Make Me Light Ma’ Butt! VCD2 BN RA TDU MXB MJB MJP SE S McDonald/S Monteleone 3.66 3.08
6 9.51 PACH4 OC’s Ms All Dressed In Red MS CD RE FDC MXP11 MXPC MJP12 MJPC PAX4 MFP T2BP CA FCAT ACT1 SWE SCM SEM SBM RATO CGC TKA L Keys/R LaFrance 3.59 2.96
7 9.48 CH PACH3 Bonaire’s Eeny Meeny Miny Mo RAE FDC NA OAJ MXP12 MXPB2 MJP15 MJPS2 PAX3 OF MFPS TQXP T2BP3 CGCA TKI S Waldie/C Krivanich 3.61 2.93
8 9.44 PACH Desert Dackel’s Once In A Blue Moon CDX BN RA MXP3 MXPB MJP7 MJPS PAX MFPB TQXP T2BP RATO CGC TKN A Goldhammer 3.75 2.85
9 9.14 McFadden’s Neville Longbottom RN AXP AJP XFP BCAT ACT2 ACT1J SCA SEN SBN S Averill 3.68 2.73
10 9.06 PACH6 Midnight Flaming Willow MXP20 MXPC2 MJP20 MJPC2 PAX7 NFP C Ponzo 3.53 2.76


Attention AKC Competitors
