In this episode (38:13)
In this episode, we’re joined by Director of Agility for the American Kennel Club, Carrie DeYoung to talk about the recent changes to the International Sweepstakes Class (ISC).
You Will Learn
- How ISC was used over the past two decades within AKC.
- Why the AKC made changes to the ISC program.
- How levels work (A1, A2, A3, J1, J2, J3).
- How to find your ISC results online.
- Episode 93: The New AKC Premier Class is Coming
- An example of the ISC results online.
- An example A1 Course (courtesy of the AKC Agility Course Maps Facebook Group)
- An example A2 Course
- An example A3 Course
- An example J2 Course
- An example J3 Course
(upbeat music) - Welcome to Bad Dog Agility, (dog barks) a podcast helping you reach all of your dog agility goals. Whether it's competing under the bright lights of the televised finals at Westminster, or successfully navigating a homemade course in your own backyard. We'll bring you training, tips, interviews, and news about the great sport of dog agility. Are you ready? - I'm ready. - I'm ready. - I'm ready.
- The show starts with your hosts, Jennifer, Esteban and Sarah. - I'm Jennifer. - And I'm Esteban and this is episode 323. Today's podcast is brought to you by and the new Teeter TeachIt, an easy to use tool that controls the amount of tip on your teeter so you can introduce motion to your dog in a gradual way. Go to for the new Teeter TeachIt and
other training tools and toys. Use discount code BDA10 to get 10% off your order. That's Today we're gonna talk about the new ISC classes being offered by the American Kennel Club and we are happy to welcome to the podcast the director of Agility for the AKC, Carrie DeYoung. Welcome back to the podcast, Carrie. - Thanks. It's been awhile, so it was nice to get an invitation back.
- So as Esteban said, we're gonna talk about ISC today, but let's start with the simplest question. What does ISC stand for? - ISC stands for International Sweepstakes Class. - Okay. - Yeah. - All right. - Oh, you nailed it Jen. I actually didn't know the answer to this. We were talking before the podcast and I thought about it and I said, I don't really know what. I
think the I is international and C is maybe class or course. And then I was like, I don't know about this. - Yeah, I thought that was correct just from the like, years of doing it in the past. But in the past, I mean ISC's been around for many years. I remember doing it every December. We had a big cluster up in Cleveland and they would offer ISC
and it was very much an exhibition class, you know, is offered every once in a while in certain parts of the area. But now we're seeing a very different approach. We're seeing some new rules surrounding ISC and Carrie, that's what we wanted to have you on the podcast to talk about. So tell us exactly what the AKC ISC class is. What purpose does it serve and why we've
seen such a change in the last 12 to 18 months with ISC? - Yeah, we've had some really exciting changes to it. You know, as you mentioned, Jen, the ISC class has been around for over 20 years and over the years, initially it was designed trying to get people more interested in international courses, specifically more designs that were European, FCI orientation. And it just, you know, never really
took off except for those handful of shows like the Cleveland IX one that was a world team qualifier show. So we had approximately those six a year around the country and that's really what it became. It just never kind of really took off as anything. And so we had our six qualifiers a year and off we went. Well, as you mentioned about 18 months ago, a little bit
more than that, about two years ago as far as starting the process, a group of exhibitors came to me and said, you know, we think that we would like to do ISC, but we need to come up with a way that it works for the clubs, that it works for exhibitors. And their push was they have had a chance to run international courses, whether they have traveled internationally
and run them or they've just set them up at practice and they're like, "Ooh, this looks like fun." You know, that's the beauty in today's world. We see course maps, we see videos, we see stuff from everywhere. So they really wanted to find a way to incorporate it into the AKC program as a real class that people would consider doing and that clubs would consider offering. And so
we had to start thinking outside the box a little bit and we formed a small committee and this group did a great job coming in with some ideas of what they felt would help encourage clubs to try it and certainly the exhibitors to give these courses a try. One of the aspects is that the courses are largely right now currently designed by FCI judges, which helps us with
the authenticity of the style of course. It is a different style course from AKC and Jen, and a little bit I'm sure can speak to it even better than I can as far as some of the style difference. But it's been a great way for people to get to run true ISC courses and for our judges, AKC judges, not only to judge them but to start to get
a feel for what that design is like. So they came to us and said, this is what we would like to do. And you know, we were just coming out of COVID and we're looking around at, well, what can we do to kind of, you know, make some changes. Here's a good point to maybe make a turn with our program or just add something to it, and it
really made some sense. We had these two classes sitting there languishing that people could have been running yet they really were not being promoted and we didn't have a good way internally to encourage clubs to do it. - So you mentioned it's a class that clubs can offer and I'm not super familiar with ISC. I'm familiar with it conceptually, but by myself, I've only actually been to two
ISC shows and I've never been on the organizing end, but if I'm correct, like certain classes I think like premier and time to beat, they're optional classes. Clubs can have like a lot of times you'll have time to beat offered Saturday and Fast offered Sunday. Can any club then choose to offer ISC? Is it kind of like an optional or is there a certain process that a club
has to go through to be approved to hold ISC? - Any club can offer ISC classes. - Okay. - And there's different ways that they can choose to offer 'em. There's when we redid the regulations, we changed some of the terminology. So for ISC, we now have agility class, which is as our standard class. And we have jumping instead of jumpers with weaves. So clubs can decide if
they want to offer, you know, let's say agility one day, ISC and jumping the next day ISC, they could run agility and jumping on the same day. And then just to make it even more interesting, we added levels. So we have level one, level two, level three. As you would expect, level one is the basic novice level and clubs could offer any level they want. Also as an
exhibitor you can enter any level you want. You could come to your first ISC class and decide you wanna enter level three. Also, because this program is a non titling program, you could enter level one and three if they're both being offered that day. So there's a lot of opportunity for exhibitors to really dip their toes in the water and try ISC if it's being offered in their
area. In the regulations, there are three different ways that clubs can choose to run ISC events. The third one, number three is a unique one that we added. And that is that a club can offer ISC only as an actual trial. Before the way the regulations were set up, you could offer a day with ISC only, but you were limited to one agility and one jumping run. With
the current program, the new regulations, a club can offer a full trial. So they could offer three agility and three jumping classes in a day. They can mix and match the levels however they want. We have some clubs that have decided that level one jumping is really too simple. I mean it's more like our novice, they don't feel that it gives exhibitors good feel for an ISC style
or FCI style course. So instead they start with jumping at level two, whereas clubs doing agility may decide, you know, we definitely want agility one and we're gonna do agility three also. So they can mix and match. They could do one and two, they could do two and three, they could do three threes. (laughs) So it really is up to the clubs how they want to design an
ISC only day. And then certainly if they're offering it tied to the regular AKC show, we do have some limitations on that, trying to keep the days reasonable and that is also in the regulations. - That is super interesting. - Yeah, I think the main thing that I was so excited about, about the changes with ISC and I really wanted to talk about it and make clear to
the listeners is the different levels. Because it used to be like ISC was just, it was just ISC and it was- - Right. - You know, as we talked about, like the introduction to international. So a lot of people were incredibly overwhelmed or they would sit there and say, "Oh, well I'm not a world team member, "I'm not trying out for the team, I don't wanna do it."
And I love the revamping of these levels. Now I know there's, people are like, "Oh, it's more classes and more levels," but it allows people to get a feel for it. As you said, Carrie, that you thought maybe a level one or jumping one might not be an accurate feel. I don't disagree with that at all. But it's a start, right? It's a step. So having these ability
to do A1, which stands for agility one. A1, A2, A3 or J1, J2, J3, and kind of get at the level that you want makes so much sense. And I think really is gonna promote the program and give people a try. Like I had a student who started in J3 and very quickly was like, "Oh, that was too much." And so the next trial she did, she backed
off and said, "Okay, I'm gonna do J2." And that was like the sweet spot. And then I've seen trials, one of the trials that I went to, they only offered levels two and three, so they didn't do the A1, J1, and then other trials I saw they only do A1 and A2. Like they're trying to get people familiar with it. So this is a big change that I
don't think people are familiar with that I think you did a great job explaining, but I really just wanted to make sure people understand that there are now three levels within ISC. So it used to be, we kind of think of like novice, open, excellent, masters, premier ISC, but now when you get to ISC, there's a whole level within it. And so there's so many options and that's
what I like about the new setup of the system. - Well, part of the reason it was set up this way also is because we know we have some exhibitors that really would like to start their dogs in ISC early on. That's the experience that they're looking for with their dog. And so by allowing level one, it gives them that place to be able to do that. So
we're excited that, you know, that really worked out and it's been embraced by the clubs as you noted that they, you've seen them mixing and matching and a lot of them are doing that based on their market. They kind of have a good feel for where people are at within their area. Now what we do find is when it is an ISC weekend and they set up two
or three days of ISC people are traveling and that's something, you know, those of us have been agility, oh, more than a couple of years. Used to travel a lot to agility trials 'cause they just weren't close by. Over the years we've been fortunate and with AKC agility, a lot of times you've got trials nearby, but people travel to the ISC weekends also. So that's been kind of
a fun offshoot of it. One of the other pluses, if a club is offering ISC only that day, they can do FEO in all of those classes. So they can do for exhibition only. So the exhibitor can take in a toy, they can redo obstacles, whatever it is that they would like to do based on the usual AKC FEO regulations. - Yeah, I was just about to ask
that. That is very interesting. Okay, this is a lot of stuff that I was not familiar with. I don't know if people out there listening know, but I've been out of trialing now basically I think since COVID had started. So these are some new things to me. Let me ask a couple of questions, some clarification points. So you're saying like at a trial they could have agility and
jumping like every single day, like on a Friday, Saturday, Sunday, they could have all three levels if they wanted agility and jumping. - For an ISC only trial, yes. - But even in a regular trial or you're saying regular trial, there's limitations as to how much you can squeeze in a day? So you might tell them only level one or only level two are only jumping. - That's
it. So they can choose their level. We're not in control of that. - Gotcha. - What we are controlling is the number of classes offered per day and that is just to keep somebody from going overboard. You know, it all sounds good on paper until you're there at 11 o'clock at night. - Right, right. - And of course, you know, our judges and trial committees, you know, you
guys are only good for about nine, 10 hours and you know. (laughs) - (laughs) Right. Then people are going to get a little cranky. - Exactly. - You answered my question on the FEO. I think that is great and very cool and I think the innovation here, Jen correct me if I'm wrong, but in Europe when you go from levels one, two to three, you have to kind
of work your way up, right? So then the innovation here in the US would be that you can jump in wherever you want. - Yeah. - And so what brought that on? Because now that you've said it, I'm thinking that's genius and why didn't we think of that before? - (laughs) Well, it was kind of some madness. This committee started down the road but it was done to
encourage people to try it and for those that were already obviously competing at that level and they wanted the challenge of the two or the three or were coming over from other organizations where the style of course may be a little bit more similar, that then they were not stuck down in one. We also know that, you know, this isn't gonna be offered all over the country, but
as I mentioned, people are willing to travel when there's an ISC only weekend going on. So trying to find a balance that would work for everyone. And because this is non titling, it left that open to us to be able to go that route also. - Right. - Now these classes at levels two and three can count towards the qualifying scores that someone needs to come to the
world team tryouts. If you're interested in doing the EO team tryouts, all three levels can count for a different point value. So the classes do count towards that. And we do have clubs that are still doing world team qualifiers where if you're the top scoring in your height, and of course there's now four heights in ISC with the addition of the 20 inch height, you can still have
your buy to the world team tryouts. - Okay, and you mentioned that it was non titling and so I'm thinking now I might put my dog in level three for a bunch of shows and then if I wanted to I could do level one? - Sure. - Yeah? So no big deal? - Nope. - That gives the handler a lot of flexibility. Now I'm thinking about situations where
I might be coming back from an injury and you can't often go back to a novice course. Let's say you're running in, you know, masters. It's a rare opportunity, you know, to go back to courses that are maybe a little more straightforward just to start, see how your dog is doing, let me- - This part. - Go ahead. - If I can just jump in a little bit
too 'cause you hit on a good point there. The other thing with the ISC classes is you can jump your regular AKC height or you can jump your preferred height, but you are scored with the height that your dog would normally measure into like we do at the invitational or the premiere. - Okay. - So if you have a dog that is four inch preferred and you decide
that you would like to run ISC, then your dog is scored with the eight inch dog. So all of the AKC heights are still available. It's not restricted. There's some misconceptions sometimes. It's not just restricted to the three FCI heights, which, or I'm sorry, the four FCI heights now. - Right. - You know, 12, 16, 20 and 24, which over the years have obviously come much more in
line with what we do at the AKC and the US in general. - Interesting. Interesting. Okay, I do wanna talk a little bit about course design, just a little bit. And you know, there's this whole movement, I don't know if I should call it a social movement, but there's this movement in dog agility, particularly here in the United States, and specifically with respect to AKC courses, right? There's
this thought of sometimes the courses are too crowded, cramped, the spacing between jumps is not good, especially for our larger dogs. But even all the way down to the lower jump heights. And what I'm wondering is even at the level one for these ISC classes, like what kind of spacing are we looking at? Is this a real priority for this course design and is it gonna be different
from say a premier course? - Well, it would be, first of all, it's always dependent on the size of the ring the judge has to design in. So if the judge is working in the bare minimum 8,000 square feet with three poles in it, you're gonna see spacing that tends to look more like what you'd see on an AKC course. The maximum they're gonna be able to get
in many cases is 21 to 25 feet between obstacles and probably less in a few cases and they would use it. But when we have sites that have the bigger rings, the rectangle rings that are much more familiar to people in Europe when they're perhaps 80 by 130, 90 by 130, those type of distances. Of course when you've got that length of 130, then you can really start
to kind of push things around some more. So typically we see about 25 to 30 feet between obstacles. And along with that, the maximum in theory with FCI is 240 yards for a course. Okay, whereas our maximums, depending on the course, you know, we top out at, what is it? 195, 200 on something. But their maximum can be 240. And the reality is sometimes they come in more
than that and it's just the way that system works. - Interesting. So you can't guarantee necessarily that, you know, the shortest spacing between any two obstacles is gonna be a certain amount of feet or yards. But in general you're gonna see a style of course with more spacing it's going to kind of mimic what we're seeing in Europe on FCI courses. - Well, in FCI minimums, if you
actually read the FCI regulations, it does have a minimum for spacing between obstacles and it's pretty much our minimum at 15 feet. - Sure. - Depending on what it is. Now, not to a jump obviously, just, you know, again, just like us, their recommended minimum I believe is seven meters. So approximately 21, you know, almost 22 feet. So we do look at those too when we get the
courses from the designers because of course we wanna stay, you know, as true as we can to the FCI regulations. But the interesting thing that people need to be aware of is FCI has a set of design guidelines, just like we do, these very specifically have to be used at the World Championship, the EO, the Junior World Championship. Besides that, then they go out to the different countries.
But the countries can also then have their own set of regulations. So if you were to look at Sweden's regulations, they're gonna look a little bit different than FCI's directly. And it all has to do with how they categorize some of their shows too. And I'm not as familiar with what those categories are, but each country will also have its own regulations that are different or can be
different than FCI. So it's not globally once you get to, you know, FCI countries, especially when you're looking at the difference between European countries or we look at the South American countries, it may not always be exactly the same. - So one of the things that was mentioned that I'm gonna go back to, 'cause I think it's really important and kind of ties into the answer of your
question there, Esteban, is that the FCI, I'm sorry, the ISC, so many letters here. The ISC courses that we are seeing run by the American Kennel Club, the AKC, are allowed to now be designed by FCI judges. So you mentioned that, but I think in my experience over the past two years, that is not only just saying, hey, you're allowed to have these FCI judges do the courses.
We're actually seeing, at least in our area here in the Midwest, almost exclusively the ISC events designed by FCI judges and then judged by an AKC judge. So the reason I bring that up in terms of course design is I think many of the FCI judges that are designing have a different style, have a different take and they often do have some of the bigger distances and little
bit different lines that lend themself towards, Esteban, what you were talking about as kind of this like movement towards bigger stuff. So it's not necessarily that the rules themself are the only thing that are changing or that we're following the rules, it's that we're now getting an entire kind of crop of judges that we have not been able to show under before that are now designing stuff and
they just have a different style. Like I think with a lot of sports you could watch somebody play soccer and you could be like, did you learn soccer in the states or did you learn it in Europe? 'Cause they would have a different style. So I actually just had, we had a show this past weekend in Ohio. It was the first ISC show that I knew about that
was an AKC designer doing the courses. So all the ISC shows that I had been to were designed by FCI judges but then judged by an AKC judge. So that's something that I think is very cool. It's something that I tell people pay attention to when you read the premium, who's designing? Because the judge is not necessarily the designer but kind of from an AKC standpoint, is this?
This is like a big adjustment. I mean was this a big push that people wanted? Is this, did it take a lot of hoops for you guys to jump through? I mean, why was this change made and how is it being received like so far? - All good questions. (laughs) Well, as we were looking at the courses and wanting to grow the program, we realized very quickly and
again this great committee that we worked with that while we have very talented course designers, very talented judges, this style is not what they have learned. It's not what they've run, it's not what they've judged. And so to be able to bring in the FCI judges as designers gives us what people were asking for in the ISC class. They wanted to run the FCI style courses. We do
have judges now that as I mentioned, they are beginning to dip their toes in ISC design and what most of them are doing as you start to see these pop up here and there, they're working directly with an FCI judge as a reviewer before the course has come into us. So they're not just picking one up and going, "I think I got it." (laughs) Because even as a
reviewer from my side, you know, I certainly have a much better feel for the style after having done two and a half years of, you know, lots of courses now coming through. But at the same time it's still not quite the same sensibility. And for me to be able to coach somebody to design it is certainly not a strength that we have yet. We will get there, I
know we will get there, and there's some wonderful seminar givers out there that are focusing on course design that I would encourage exhibitors and judges to take those, even if you're just auditing, I think there are some really strong course design courses out there from some of the FCI judges. One of the other things you were asking about style differences, Esteban, besides the distances, one of the other
challenges we don't see as much are handler restrictions. Whether it is an obstacle, a lot of times the dogwalk, could be weave poles that are truly in your way as a handler and you have to decide am I gonna try to race around it or am I, have I built my distance skills in? I know Jen can certainly speak to that in her prep and her training and
where being able to layer at a distance is going to help you run the course so much better. So they ask for a different set of skills besides just the distance. Sometimes the distance will scare people away when you start to talk about it. And there are certainly lines on these courses, I will tell you, I look at 'em and go, oh man, you know, maybe 10 years
ago, okay, maybe 30 years ago. (laughs) But when I sit there and really take 'em apart, unless it is a straight run line, and they do happen, just like we see on some of our courses, when you really slow down and look at it as you are training your dog, if you're starting to get some of that distance work in and trusting your dog out on some of
these, they've set up some nice lines for the handler to also run. So you're still running with your dog, you're just not three feet away from them. You might be 25, 30, but they've set some nice lines for that. Am I explaining that well, Jen, do you think? - Yeah, no, absolutely. I agree with that, yes. It's a balance of a different style, but when you break 'em
down, you know, I don't want people to be over faced. When you break it down and look at it, there's some skill stuff there. But yeah, I think having the FCI judges be able to design the courses was like the icing on the cake for the ISC program because as somebody who is trying to prepare for international events, it's not ISC that's helping me prepare as much as
ISC with judges that I know I'm gonna be showing under when I go to Europe or have a similar flair or are designing for our trial events or for the events. So as I'm here now, what, nine days, I think from flying out to AWC, these ISC events have given me the opportunity to go run under courses that are mimicking what we're gonna see over there that we
didn't have before. And I think the real testament to the program and to AKC and all the hard work you've done, Carrie, is in these 24 months, the huge jump in international success that team USA has seen. We have had in the last two years at EO, at AWC, at these events, more results than I think we had right before that, you know, drop off of COVID. And
it's, I think a huge part of that is that we are going over more prepared, we're more familiar with the skills, we're more familiar with the courses, we're getting to do things in competitions on a more regular basis with judges that are presenting the challenges. So I think the results speak for themselves. Okay, enough about my tangent, but anyways, that is my, like you guys are on the
right track. I love it. I can't say thank you enough. - Yeah, that's a- - Well certainly, you know, as we're talking about the levels too, you know, if you have any concerns about it but you wanna try it, enter level one if it pops up. I mean what I jokingly say, but I'm telling you, if you go and you pull up level one courses, most of them
are very similar flow to AKC. They might be a little bit more distance between a few things and then the biggest difference is there is a backside in there. One nice kind of backside. I mean really when you look at it at the level one levels, it is not beyond our typical dogs and handlers. - Okay, well that is very interesting and some really interesting discussion points that
I'm definitely gonna talk with all kind of agility people about. So we are now talking about, hey, people come out, try this. The people who are doing it are really enjoying it. But as we know, sometimes people are incentivized, right? And I would make the case that people who are interested in ISC are highly incentivized if they're interested in competing abroad. So what about the AKC competitor who
really isn't that interested in competing abroad? Sure they could try it, but what I am wanting to know is, is there going to be any titling in the future? Is there going to be any possibility that these ISC courses will help qualify a team for the big national events that are so prominent here and on TV and streaming and elsewhere? - TBA. (laughs) - Ah, okay. - So
all I'm gonna say on that one, obviously we're looking to grow the program and you're right. - Sure. - Different incentives will inspire different people. But we also wanna make sure we don't lose the flavor of ISC and that people really are doing it because they like that style course, that's what they want to run. Versus, oh, it's just another check mark so I can get here or
there. So trying to find that balance so we don't lose why we wanted to do this and you know, and again the style and everything that goes with it, but definitely there are plans for ISC to start to take on some other, you know, some other things in the world besides just being a way to qualify into the EO tryouts or into the world team tryouts. - Alright.
I also think it's very cool that you have FCI judges designing the courses. So is that a permanent feature of this program or is there a hope that eventually your I guess regular stable of AKC judges will be able to produce similar types of courses and the FCI judges right now is kind of a bridge or a transition to that? - I believe the FCI judges will stay
an important part of this program. And it is because as Jen was speaking to, if you're looking at traveling internationally too to compete, to have the chance to actually run in competition, a course designed by someone you're gonna show under is always a big plus. We all know as we get close to the National Championship here for AKC, people start going, "Hey, has anyone run under so-and-so? "Can
you send me some course maps for them?" Well, it's the same thing if you're gonna travel internationally to do this, but we are encouraging AKC judges who want to, to work on developing their skills too, because there are AKC judges that are very, very interested in international and it's something that they truly have a like for and they wanna continue down that path to grow as designers and
judges into this new style class. So we may see a bit more of a mix as we go on, but there is certainly no plan that at some point we'd say, "Oh, no more FCI judges." And we do have clubs that have actually brought over FCI judges to judge their own courses. Now that's a big financial commitment and the clubs can best speak to how they've done that
over the last few years. We had clubs doing it prior to the FCI or the, I'm sorry, the ISC program changing and they would build a weekend around having that judge in town. But I expect it'll be an important, a very important part of the program success going forward. - All right, very nice. - So we talked about the different levels, we talked about the judging and the
course, but let's get to what people wanna know, the results, the scoring. So how does this scoring work? If it's non titling, how does this scoring work? How do the results, you know, we don't earn legs and get certificates. So how does that end of things work? - Well, at the trials, of course there are your typical points off for an knocked bar, a wrong course, a refusal,
whatever the case may be. Typically five point faults. And so you've got your score, but then you're going to have 15 faults, 10 faults, whatever it is. There are no cues as you mentioned, there's no qualifying. So you can be in the top four placements with faults. So scoring at the trial is, you know, faults and then your time. So if you had a perfect run and you're
the fastest dog, you're first. If you had a perfect run and you were smidge slower, you're second. If you had 15 faults and you're the next fastest time and there's nobody else that had less than 15 faults, you're now third, right? One of the big changes is we've never recorded these at AKC. So if you were running ISC in the past, and especially if you wanted to come
to any of the trials, you had to keep your own notes on which scores you got at which show. And then the trial secretaries would email to me a PDF of the results. I would file away the PDF until it was time for tryouts. And then Steve and I, and Tony Ozanic, we would work our way through PDF results to make sure everyone had their scores they were
supposed to have. A little time consuming. But now as of August 1st, all results are being scored and you can find 'em on your dog's record now at the AKC. So if you'd wanted to look at your ISC results, it would be just like when you pull down your dog's complete trial record, you pull down the complete trial record, you will have your ISC runs as of August
1st. To do that, we did implement a $2 recording fee so that we could process it, you know, it's a lot of hands to make all this work. So there is now a $2 per run recording fee for ISC runs. Prior to August 1st, prior to us having this programming, we did not charge the clubs for the runs, but we do now so that we can record them.
Also, they do show up under regular trial results. So if you go to the AKC website, you look up, you know, ABC Kennel Club and the ISC classes, you will find just like you would any of your other scores under your ISC class and your height, you'll find what your results are. So that's something too that is new to the program as far as having access to that
information, and having access to that information goes back to your question, Esteban, which is, will we be doing something else with the program? So it now we have access to that information and exhibitors have access to the information, it gives us a chance to grow the program in some different fun directions. - That's great. Here at Bad Dog Agility, we are all about data. You know, I think
people know that about us and when you have that data, you have the information and I think it can really inform where you want to take your organization. I think that's something that the AKC has done really, really well, especially when you compare the AKC to other organizations. Data is good. But thank you so much, Carrie, for joining us on this podcast and really breaking it all down.
There's a lot of stuff in here that I had no idea was happening. I really didn't know that this was going on and I think there's some innovation in here that I really, really like. Oh, I do have one more quick question. Remind me again what does ISC stand for? - International Sweepstakes Class. - Okay, so it's International Sweepstakes Class. So when we say ISC class, we're saying
International Sweepstakes Class, class. Just like when we say ATM machine, we say Automated Teller Machine, machine. I just wanted to point that out. - See, I didn't even, I didn't even know what ATM stood for, so I just learned that. I knew ISC, but you've educated me on ATM. - There you go. It's the chai tea joke from the most recent Spider-Man movies, but I just wanted to
put that out there. Alright, well, thank you Carrie for joining us. - Right. You're welcome. Thanks for inviting me. - And that's it for this week's podcast. We'd like to thank our sponsor, Happy training. (upbeat music) - Thank you for listening to Bad Dog Agility. We hope you enjoyed today's episode. For more information, updates, and links to all our socials, just check out our website, If
you haven't already signed up for our email subscription, we would love to have you join the BDA community. Until next time, take care. (upbeat music)
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