​​​​Giant Schnauzer Ranking by PowerScore for 2011

The Breed Power 10 is a group of the top 10 dogs in each breed at each height ranked by PowerScore. The Breed Power 10 recognizes the fastest dogs in our sport by using average yards per second, rather than double qualifying (QQ) runs or points. Learn more about the Breed Power 10 and the PowerScore.
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20″ Regular

  Power Score Dog Owner JWW YPS STD YPS
1 14.45 MACH Formally Known As Field’s MXB MJB MJP XF J Bahr/F Nichter 5.58 4.43

24″ Regular

  Power Score Dog Owner JWW YPS STD YPS
1 13.47 Ike — MACH PACH Classic Ike V Easentaigh VCD1 RAE2 MXS MJB MXP6 MXPS MJP4 MJPB PAX MXF XFP T2BP2 M Kiernan/S Winterbottom 5.15 4.16
2 12.54 Paragon Guinness At Night MX MXB MXJ MJB NAP NJP XF NFP S Mizzell 4.77 3.89
3 11.38 MACH2 Momentumm Vodka With A Twist VCD1 RE MXG MJS MXP MJP XF K Verrelli/T Verrelli/C Lietzau 4.20 3.59
4 11.09 CH Galilee Ingebars Inspiration UD RAE HSAs HSCs HXCs MX MXJ OAP NJP XF NFP B Tuerler/B Tuerler/M Bisceglia 4.14 3.48
5 10.98 Ingebar’s South Side Bakerman VCD3 RE MX MXJ MXP3 MXPB MJP3 MJPB NF E Ritt 4.21 3.38
6 10.27 CH Valleesa’s Blue Hope AX AXJ NAP V Rovenolt/L Weidner 4.12 3.07
7 10.09 CT MACH2 PACH2 Histyle’s Nosy Rosie VCD2 RN MXB2 MJB2 MXP7 MXPG MJP8 MJPG PAX3 OF J Shonborn/M Shonborn 3.81 3.14
8 9.85 MACH Momentumm From Russia With Love RN MXS MJB NF CA T Verrelli/K Verrelli/C Lietzau 3.72 3.06

20″ Preferred

  Power Score Dog Owner JWW YPS STD YPS
1 13.02 Paragon Guinness At Night MX MXB MXJ MJB NAP NJP XF NFP S Mizzell 5.54 3.74
2 12.99 Raves-Lucky Little Lucy MXP2 MJP9 MJPG XFP T2BP A Reynolds/R Reynolds 4.92 4.04
3 12.95 Ike — MACH PACH Classic Ike V Easentaigh VCD1 RAE2 MXS MJB MXP6 MXPS MJP4 MJPB PAX MXF XFP T2BP2 M Kiernan/S Winterbottom 4.84 4.05
4 10.01 CH PACH Histyle’s Tantalize MX MXJ MXP4 MXPB MJP3 MJPB PAX NF L Mcmaster/M Rutkas 3.89 3.06
5 9.43 Histyle’s Up Town Girl AX AXJ MXP MJP NFP L Mcmaster/M Rutkas 3.67 2.88


Attention AKC Competitors
