​​​​Havanese Ranking by PowerScore for 2024 For Q3 through Q4 (July – December)

Havanese Ranking by PowerScore for 2024 For Q3 through Q4 (July – December)

The Breed Power 10 is a group of the top 10 dogs in each breed at each height ranked by PowerScore. The Breed Power 10 recognizes the fastest dogs in our sport by using average yards per second, rather than double qualifying (QQ) runs or points. Learn more about the Breed Power 10 and the PowerScore.

A Note About 2024
In 2024, the AKC removed the table from master levels classes effective July 1st, 2024. The removal of a 5 second pause in a standard run completely changes the Yard Per Second of courses from before July 1st versus after July 1st. We have decided, for this year, to put out two final rankings, one for January – June, which includes the table. And one for July-December where there is no table.

In 2025, we will return to one year end ranking with quarterly checkpoints.

Go Back to the Breed Power 10 for 2024 For Q3 Through Q4

8″ Regular

  Power Score Dog Owner JWW YPS STD YPS
1 13.92 CH AGCH2 MACH28 Rubicon Meliora Playing Cops And Robbers RE MXG7 PDG2 MJB8 PJG2 MFS3 TQX T2B10 TKE C WINDLINGER/C Ventura 4.95 4.48
2 13.85 MACH2 Los Arriba Lone Star Bowie RA MXG PAD MJS3 PJS MFC TQX T2B5 TKA C WINDLINGER 4.93 4.46
3 13.65 Summerstone’s Mister Right MX MXJ MJB OF BCAT TKA S Wilson/S Daly 4.89 4.38
4 12.80 MACH Cuteness To The Max MXB MJS FCAT CGC TKN L DONALDSON 4.44 4.18
5 12.54 MACH Adelheid Pepper Masquerade MXB MJG MFB P SCHULZ 4.76 3.89
6 12.13 Sweetgrass Kashmilo A Komoly AX MXJ XF T2B DCAT TKN K Bonghi 4.52 3.80
7 11.93 MACH5 Starborn Enchanting Dew On The Mountain MXG2 PAD MJG2 MFS TQX T2B5 S Fisher 4.22 3.86
8 11.70 Los Arriba El Cuervo Another Round Of Tequila AX MXJ XF T2B C WINDLINGER 4.27 3.71
9 11.66 AGCH MACH20 La Brisa Chiodo’s You Can’t Stop The Beat MXS5 PDS MJS5 PJS MFC TQX T2B5 BCAT CGCU TKI K Loman Chiodo/S Chiodo 3.99 3.83
10 11.52 GCH CH MACH3 Cinnabarmm Signature Red CD RA MXB2 PAD MJB2 MFG TQX T2B4 CGC TKA C Rippee 3.93 3.80

12″ Regular

  Power Score Dog Owner JWW YPS STD YPS
1 14.01 Pocopayasos Habana Noches MX MXJ MXF T2B TKN VHMP M Reznitsky 5.12 4.44

4″ Preferred

  Power Score Dog Owner JWW YPS STD YPS
1 13.74 MACH4 PACH9 Home Team Rock Crusher MXC MJC MXP22 MXPB3 MJP25 MJPS3 PAX9 XF XFP T2B2 K Huett 4.87 4.44
2 11.76 PACH2 Kharln’s Maximum Velocity MX MXJ MXP7 MXPS MJP7 MJPG PAX2 OF K Huett 4.16 3.80
3 10.18 MACH2 Ruffian Reverse Tuxedo MXS MJG MXP MJP CGC D Dalton 3.66 3.26
4 9.82 CH MACH2 PACH3 Yup’s Razzmatazz And All That Jazz MXS PAD MJS MXP8 MXPG MJP8 MJPG PAX3 MXF TQX MFP T2B2 TKN M Reznitsky/J Schrepel 3.49 3.16
5 8.63 RACH Fausthouse, Hope Springs Eternal Love CD RM6 RAE2 RC MX AXJ MXP MJP XF RATN CGC TKA T Page/C Page 3.22 2.70
6 7.94 Kharln Royal High-Ness Jumpin Duncan CD RE AX MXJ MJB OF S Sanders 2.79 2.58

8″ Preferred

  Power Score Dog Owner JWW YPS STD YPS
1 12.70 PACH Link RN AX AXJ MXP4 MXPB MJP4 MJPB PAX XF T2B T2BP CGC TKN J Brombaugh 4.75 3.98
2 10.05 Piper Lynn Domeck AX MXJ L Domeck 3.23 3.41
3 9.63 Grandview’s Fearless Ola Mundo MXP MJP2 XFP S Cookman 3.23 3.20


Attention AKC Competitors
