​​​​Italian Greyhound Ranking by PowerScore for 2015 Q1

The Breed Power 10 is a group of the top 10 dogs in each breed at each height ranked by PowerScore. The Breed Power 10 recognizes the fastest dogs in our sport by using average yards per second, rather than double qualifying (QQ) runs or points. Learn more about the Breed Power 10 and the PowerScore.
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12″ Regular

  Power Score Dog Owner JWW YPS STD YPS
1 11.54 Bella — MACH7 Clark’s Hells’ Bells MXG2 MJS3 NF K Clark 4.53 3.50
2 11.02 CH Littleluv’s Tko Kelly BN RAE MX MXJ MJS MXF T2B2 W Hesterly/K Holmes 4.30 3.36
3 10.88 MACH Louis Vuitton MXG MJG NF T2B A Schalla-Pich 4.20 3.34
4 10.54 Salswift A Little Madness In The Spring Coccolare RN AX MXJ OF T Poet/L Kennedy/S Smyth 3.84 3.35
5 10.43 Special Acres’ Bella Fiorella CD RN MX MXB MXJ MJB NAP NF J Peterson 3.84 3.30

16″ Regular

  Power Score Dog Owner JWW YPS STD YPS
1 13.95 Dash — MACH2 Idr’s Lust For Life RN MXS MJG XF B Jarymowycz/J Graves 5.45 4.25
2 13.83 Mario — MACH Lilly’s Slightly Out Of Control MXS MJC NF T2B J Ammentorp 5.25 4.29
3 13.21 Stella “Lotsa Moxie” D’Amira MX MXB MXJ MJB K Alvarez 5.18 4.02
4 12.70 CH MACH Windream’s Callme The Right Stuf RN MXS MJB XF T2B S Lory/R Lilly/M Lilly 5.22 3.74
5 12.62 Nico CD RE SC AX MXJ XF G Irani 4.90 3.86
6 11.94 Caro’s Jolly ST. Nick AX AXJ NJP M Caro 4.69 3.63
7 11.92 GCH CH Diavolino’s Il Re Leone RA AX MXJ OF CGC J Graves/K Chant 4.77 3.58
8 11.83 MACH13 Amore’s Cedar RN MXB4 MJG4 MXF MFB TQX K Kosco/M Fitch 4.52 3.66
9 11.67 Blue — MACH2 Blue Sky Dreamer MXG MJC NF A Dentici 4.67 3.50
10 11.10 Jack — MACH2 Lifeline’s Jack Be Quick RN MXG MJG NF S Donovan 4.32 3.39

12″ Preferred

  Power Score Dog Owner JWW YPS STD YPS
1 9.45 MACH2 Tekoneva’s Othello MXG MJG XF A Saraceni/P Saraceni 3.35 3.05


Attention AKC Competitors
