​​​​Labrador Retriever Ranking by PowerScore for 2014

The Breed Power 10 is a group of the top 10 dogs in each breed at each height ranked by PowerScore. The Breed Power 10 recognizes the fastest dogs in our sport by using average yards per second, rather than double qualifying (QQ) runs or points. Learn more about the Breed Power 10 and the PowerScore.
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16″ Regular

  Power Score Dog Owner JWW YPS STD YPS
1 11.19 MACH2 Springwind’s Pink Lady CD RE MXS MJS OF P Engleman/S Walsh 4.18 3.50
2 11.03 Raisin’ Hail’s Makin’ Waves UD MX MXB MXJ MJB J Hedderick 4.50 3.26
3 10.98 Carrie — MACH10 Sierran Charisma MXS4 MJG4 A Sutton 4.11 3.43
4 10.77 Tessa — MACH12 Sierran Vitesse MXS5 MJS5 A Sutton 4.15 3.31

20″ Regular

  Power Score Dog Owner JWW YPS STD YPS
1 15.51 Sunrise’s Hot Little Number MX MXJ OF C Jurek 6.07 4.72
2 15.49 Canebrakes Lightning Lil Leaping Leo MX AXJ R Knoll/R Knoll 6.46 4.52
3 15.18 Makin — MACH Merganser’s Makin The Race MXS MJS MXP MJP MXF T2B D Evans 5.82 4.68
4 15.16 Dixie — MACH4 Bobo’s Girl’s A Rebel – “Dixie” MXB2 MJS2 XF T2B E Green 5.78 4.69
5 15.10 Thunder Valley True Grit VCD2 BN RN JH AX MXJ NAP NJP XF NFP K Sugitani 5.54 4.78
6 15.03 Ledyno Star’s Treasured Ruby JH MX MXB MXJ MJB XF L Busse 5.42 4.80
7 14.99 Ranger — MACH6 The Captain’s Frequent Flyer UD JH MXC2 MJB3 MXF MFB K Secter 5.66 4.67
8 14.95 Wetland’s Lowland Lady MX MXB MXJ OF T Reeves/C Reeves 5.67 4.64
9 14.92 Knights Mischief Maker AX AXJ L Knight Goguen 5.89 4.52
10 14.89 MACH Dreammeyer Chocolate Addiction MH MXG MJG MXF MFS T2B4 C Levine 5.69 4.60

24″ Regular

  Power Score Dog Owner JWW YPS STD YPS
1 15.92 Lexie — MACH Canebrake Sxm Perfect Timing CDX MXS MJS MXF MFB T2B2 E Dole 6.24 4.84
2 14.99 Diamond P’s Raging Cajun CD RA AX AXJ NAP XF J Obermiller 6.12 4.44
3 14.90 MACH Rhumbline’s High Grade JH MXG MJS K Lechner 5.99 4.46
4 14.90 Life’s Joy Is In The Trip MX MXB MXJ MJB T Hafkey 5.74 4.58
5 14.78 Hawke Eye — MACH Hawke Eye Dakota Cbk Murphy CDX BN MXS MJB XF T2B B Murphy/M Murphy 5.87 4.45
6 14.74 Corey — MACH Rhumbline Pond Street’s Encore MXB MJB OF K Fardy/S Dusenbery 5.72 4.51
7 14.59 Bak In Blak’s Man In Motion AX MXJ NF L Hebert 5.35 4.62
8 14.39 Rice — MACH2 Mtn. Star’s Mr. Mellow RE MXG MJC MXP2 MXPB MJP3 MJPB MXF T2B S Baker 5.37 4.51
9 14.37 MACH Rosco’s Fire ‘N Ice RN MXB MJB NJP T2B CGC R Hauge 5.32 4.52
10 14.34 Bunker — MACH Points South Bunker Boy JH MXS MJG MXP MJP2 XF P Prickett/B Prickett 5.39 4.47

26″ Regular

  Power Score Dog Owner JWW YPS STD YPS
1 14.88 Clubmead Four Speed AX AXJ D McPhee 5.71 4.58
2 14.40 Bak In Blak’s Man In Motion AX MXJ NF L Hebert 5.18 4.61

12″ Preferred

  Power Score Dog Owner JWW YPS STD YPS
1 11.31 MACH2 Springwind’s Pink Lady CD RE MXS MJS OF P Engleman/S Walsh 4.20 3.56

16″ Preferred

  Power Score Dog Owner JWW YPS STD YPS
1 15.61 True — MACH2 PACH Am Star’s Tell It Like It Is RN MXS MJG MXP4 MXPB MJP4 MJPB PAX MXF J Denereaz 6.04 4.79
2 15.17 Makin — MACH Merganser’s Makin The Race MXS MJS MXP MJP MXF T2B D Evans 6.02 4.58
3 14.73 MACH4 Lime Creek’s Little Bit CDX MXC2 MJC2 MXP2 MJP2 MXF MFB D Joseph/P Young 5.88 4.43
4 14.30 MACH3 Morning Star’s Hell On Wheels MXG MJB2 MXP MJP MXF MFB TQX B DeLaune 5.57 4.37
5 13.70 Molly — MACH PACH Parsons Good Golly Miss Molly MXB MJG MXP6 MXPS MJP7 MJPS PAX MXF MFS MFP MFPS T2BP2 K Parsons/J Parsons 5.30 4.20
6 13.51 Heaux — MACH2 PACH Lime Creek’s Midnight Madam MXS MJG MXPB MJP4 MJPB PAX XF NFP L Hebert 5.29 4.11
7 13.19 MACH Southland Mz Godiva UD MXG MJS MXP MJP XF J Kirkman 5.10 4.05
8 13.18 Colby — PACH Brookberry Ace Of Hearts RN MXP3 MXPB MJP4 MJPB PAX MFP T2BP CGC F Pidgeon/W Pidgeon 5.26 3.96
9 13.11 MACH4 Uncle Jem’s Atty’s Scout Jr MXB2 MJS2 MXP MJP2 OF E Green 4.94 4.09
10 12.78 Dakota — PACH Dazzle Wind Dakota RN MXP8 MXPG MJP13 MJPB2 PAX XFP T2BP M Marsceill/J Fuchigami 4.64 4.07

20″ Preferred

  Power Score Dog Owner JWW YPS STD YPS
1 15.12 Diamond P’s Raging Cajun CD RA AX AXJ NAP XF J Obermiller 5.85 4.64
2 15.03 Lake Creek’s I’M On Fire AXP AJP P Ford 6.20 4.42
3 14.60 Codys Full Throttle Caseyjones VCD1 RN OA OAJ AXP AJP XF XFP M Young/J Young 6.01 4.30
4 14.47 Sir Hamilton’s Kickass Mini Chops MX AXJ NF W Rupp 5.53 4.47
5 14.35 Corey — MACH Rhumbline Pond Street’s Encore MXB MJB OF K Fardy/S Dusenbery 5.31 4.52
6 14.32 Rice — MACH2 Mtn. Star’s Mr. Mellow RE MXG MJC MXP2 MXPB MJP3 MJPB MXF T2B S Baker 5.35 4.48
7 14.12 Josie — MACH5 Stnehvn Outlaw Josie Wells VCD2 RN MXB2 MJB2 NF J Steiner 5.56 4.28
8 13.91 Bunker — MACH Points South Bunker Boy JH MXS MJG MXP MJP2 XF P Prickett/B Prickett 5.28 4.31
9 13.86 Bruni’s Brother MX MXB MXJ MJB MXF R Bruni/E Bruni 5.62 4.12
10 13.73 MACH PACH High Peaks Lime Creek Front Of The Line JH MXS MJB MXP4 MXPB MJP4 MJPB PAX NF M O’Sell 5.19 4.27


Attention AKC Competitors
