​​​​Labrador Retriever Ranking by PowerScore for 2017 Q3

The Breed Power 10 is a group of the top 10 dogs in each breed at each height ranked by PowerScore. The Breed Power 10 recognizes the fastest dogs in our sport by using average yards per second, rather than double qualifying (QQ) runs or points. Learn more about the Breed Power 10 and the PowerScore.
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16″ Regular

  Power Score Dog Owner JWW YPS STD YPS
1 13.92 Sin City All Bets On Black RN AX AXJ MFB M Paker 5.45 4.23
2 12.74 MACH Spring Cove Farms Vanilla Bean MXB MJS NF K Agee/M Shaw 4.79 3.98
3 9.76 Carrie — MACH15 Sierran Charisma MXG6 MJC6 T2B A Sutton 3.67 3.04
4 9.51 Tessa — MACH15 Sierran Vitesse MXC6 MJG6 T2B A Sutton 3.63 2.94

20″ Regular

  Power Score Dog Owner JWW YPS STD YPS
1 16.24 Eromit’s Worth The Wait MX MXB MXJ MJB OF T2B2 E Dole 6.28 4.98
2 15.81 Tnt’s Elite Super Surpise SH MX MXJ J Jump 6.23 4.79
3 15.80 Eromit’s Match Play Diva MX MXB MXJ MJS P Prickett 6.23 4.79
4 15.69 MACH Wetland’s Lowland Lady MXG MJS XF T2B T Reeves/C Reeves 6.14 4.78
5 15.60 Eromit’s White Lightning Shine JH MX MXB MXJ MJG MFB T2B CGC A Hartnoll/G Springstroh 6.17 4.71
6 15.54 Blacpearl Sobriety Check MX MXB MXJ T2B S Boyd 6.41 4.57
7 15.51 Fastlabs A Sky Full Of Stars AX MXJ MJB OF L Spielman 5.79 4.86
8 15.06 Corbett’s Pasta Laid A Golden Egg MX MXJ MJB OF N Carleton 6.04 4.51
9 15.01 Dixie — MACH11 Bobo’s Girl’s A Rebel – “Dixie” MXB4 MJB4 MXF T2B E Green 5.57 4.72
10 14.99 Water’s Edge Ski’s Chase RA MX MXB MXJ MJG XF T2B2 N Smolensky/M Smolensky 5.68 4.65

24″ Regular

  Power Score Dog Owner JWW YPS STD YPS
1 16.13 Eromit’s Worth The Wait MX MXB MXJ MJB OF T2B2 E Dole 6.25 4.94
2 16.04 Bustin’ Waters Mistaken Identity UD BN GN GO MX AXJ NAP M Hartzler/J Hartzler 6.50 4.77
3 15.68 Long Hollow’s Driven At Xtreme MX MXB MXJ MJB MXF NFP T2B M Marsceill/J Fuchigami 6.05 4.82
4 15.67 MACH Life’s Joy Is In The Trip MXS MJS T Hafkey 6.21 4.73
5 15.21 Crumpler’s Fire Of Life AX AXJ D Joseph 6.29 4.46
6 14.87 Hawke Eye — MACH4 Hawke Eye Dakota Cbk Murphy CDX BN MXG2 MJG2 MFB TQX T2B3 B Murphy/M Murphy 5.82 4.52
7 14.68 Eromit’s Calm Before The Storm AX AXJ NAP J Rowe 5.70 4.49
8 14.40 Pinga Linga Ding Dong JH MX MXB MXJ MJB XF T2B K Grunhovd 5.34 4.53
9 14.36 Corbett’s Pasta Laid A Golden Egg MX MXJ MJB OF N Carleton 5.56 4.40
10 14.31 Rhumbline Pond Street’s Show Me Mattituck MX MXB MXJ DM K Fardy/S Dusenbery 5.62 4.35

12″ Preferred

  Power Score Dog Owner JWW YPS STD YPS
1 10.26 MACH2 PACH2 Springwind’s Pink Lady CDX RE MXS MJS MXPB MJP5 MJPS PAX2 OF P Engleman/S Walsh 3.84 3.21

16″ Preferred

  Power Score Dog Owner JWW YPS STD YPS
1 15.32 Water’s Edge Ski’s Chase RA MX MXB MXJ MJG XF T2B2 N Smolensky/M Smolensky 5.89 4.71
2 15.22 MACH2 Morning Star’s Flower Power MXG MJC MXF T2B2 K Manning 5.66 4.78
3 15.18 Zoe’s Got Game AX AXJ MJP XF B Stracke/R Stracke 6.04 4.57
4 15.18 Double Dutch Ice Cold But Hot Wired OA OAJ MXP MJP T2BP E Crisafulli 5.88 4.64
5 15.15 MACH Taylorlabs Champagne Powder JH MXB MJB MXP MJP2 OF J Melcher 5.79 4.68
6 14.89 MACH SFB G. Gustofur Bones MXB MJB XF T2B M Young/J Young 5.94 4.48
7 14.85 Midtown Slammin Steffi AX MXJ XF P Anthony 5.71 4.57
8 14.68 Knights Mischief Maker MX MXJ L Knight Goguen 5.72 4.48
9 14.60 Savvy — MACH2 High Peaks Life Of The Party UD SH MXS MJC MXP MJP MFB T2B2 L Spielman 5.43 4.59
10 14.54 Diesel — MACH6 PACH Shadow Wind Diesel MXS3 MJS3 MXP3 MXPB MJP3 MJPB PAX OF T2B3 J Fuchigami/M Marsceill 5.65 4.44

20″ Preferred

  Power Score Dog Owner JWW YPS STD YPS
1 16.82 MACH Life’s Joy Is In The Trip MXS MJS T Hafkey 7.11 4.86
2 16.06 Lexie — MACH Canebrake Sxm Perfect Timing CDX MXG MJS MXP2 MXPB MJP3 MJPB MFB T2B2 E Dole 6.10 4.98
3 15.51 Stnehvn Outlaw Josies Durango Kid MX AXJ NF D Heifner 6.43 4.54
4 14.98 Prairiestorm Tiger’s On Course JH MX MXJ MJP MXF J Lapointe 5.34 4.82
5 14.90 MACH Rosco’s Fire ‘N Ice RN MXB MJB MXP2 MJP T2B CGC R Hauge 5.51 4.70
6 14.77 Corey — MACH PACH Rhumbline Pond Street’s Encore MXB MJB MXP6 MXPS MJP6 MJPS PAX OF DM K Fardy/S Dusenbery 5.65 4.56
7 14.29 Candlewoods Oh Happy Day SH AX AXJ MXP2 OF XFP J Muldoon 5.77 4.26
8 13.72 Rhumbline Alessandras Perfect Timing AX AXJ K Hetfield/A Cappuccio 5.35 4.18
9 13.64 Bunker — MACH PACH4 Points South Bunker Boy JH MXS MJG MXP13 MXPB2 MJP16 MJPS2 PAX4 XF T2BP P Prickett/B Prickett 5.24 4.20
10 13.63 MACH PACH3 High Peaks Lime Creek Front Of The Line JH MXS MJB MXP11 MXPC MJP11 MJPC PAX3 NF M O’Sell 5.27 4.18


Attention AKC Competitors
