​​​​Miniature Schnauzer Ranking by PowerScore for 2019 – Through Q1

The Breed Power 10 is a group of the top 10 dogs in each breed at each height ranked by PowerScore. The Breed Power 10 recognizes the fastest dogs in our sport by using average yards per second, rather than double qualifying (QQ) runs or points. Learn more about the Breed Power 10 and the PowerScore.
Go Back to the Breed Power 10 for 2019 – Through Q1

8″ Regular

  Power Score Dog Owner JWW YPS STD YPS
1 14.11 Kristen’s Lil Soso BN RN AX AXJ XF T Adair 5.25 4.43
2 13.15 Last Of The Big Time Spenders Vom Landeskroner AX AXJ NF S Franson 4.79 4.18
3 10.30 MACH2 Sterling’ Good Little Monkey MXS MJS MXF T2B JE RATO TKN J Van Syckel 3.99 3.16
4 9.17 Windjammer Cricket’s Choice MX MXJ M Drake 3.60 2.78
5 8.57 Look At Me Now MX MXJ MJB L Tellman 3.30 2.64
6 8.16 Maximillian’s Key Largo Fritzi MX AXJ CGC C Roock 3.26 2.45

12″ Regular

  Power Score Dog Owner JWW YPS STD YPS
1 14.69 MACH Harmini’s Jaegermeister Locked And Loaded MXS MJS T2B S Daggett/J Rowe 5.62 4.53
2 14.32 Rudi — AGCH MACH8 Rudi Eile Phillips Of Prairieland CDX BN MXC3 PDS MJS4 PJS MFC TQX T2B5 THD CGC M Phillips/C Knierim 5.43 4.44
3 13.63 MACH3 Den Schwarzen Wirbel Purely Froggy Feelin MXC PAD MJC PJD MFB TQX T2B2 S Bols 5.11 4.26
4 13.61 MACH Loneacre’s Gin Rummy By Harmini MXB MJS MXF T2B2 B Santure/J Schauer 5.18 4.22
5 13.57 Maddie — MACH2 New York State Of Mind MXG MJB2 XF T2B4 S Franson/S Franson 5.06 4.25
6 13.54 Gez Louise MX MXB MXJ MJB OF T2B2 CGC D Hebert 5.26 4.14
7 13.30 Mtn Rose Downtown Abbey MX MXJ MJB XF T2B CGC A Yost/S Yost 4.98 4.16
8 13.17 MACH5 Kelly’s Let Freedom Ring! CDX BN RA MXG2 MJB3 MFS TQX T2B S Brown/W Brown/G Kelly 4.96 4.10
9 13.15 MACH3 Maces Moonless Crossing MXC MJC T2B S Hady 4.88 4.13
10 12.94 Sarius Ruger’s Red Label AX AXJ ACT1 A Miconi/D Glasser 5.07 3.94

16″ Regular

  Power Score Dog Owner JWW YPS STD YPS
1 11.25 Look To The Rainbow Finley MX AXJ NF SIA SCN SEN SHDN C Venaglia 4.51 3.37

8″ Preferred

  Power Score Dog Owner JWW YPS STD YPS
1 15.40 Tammy — MACH5 PACH3 Tear Em Up Tammy Trinity MXS2 MJG2 MXP10 MXPC MJP13 MJPB2 PAX3 MFG TQX MFP A Johnson-Mozzetti/B Mozzetti 6.09 4.66
2 12.36 MACH PACH2 Carbor Call Of The Wild MXB MJB MXP5 MXPS MJP7 MJPS PAX2 MXF MFP T2B J Russell 4.66 3.85
3 11.91 Dreamaker Onni Pekka CD RA MX MXB MXJ MJB MXP MJP MXF T2B RATCHX E Tuulos 4.34 3.78
4 11.88 MACH Chippity Do Dog MXS MJC OF T2B2 C Venaglia 4.63 3.62
5 11.76 Rosy — MACH9 Gala Run For The Roses BN RN MXB3 MJG3 MXP2 MJP2 MJPB MFS TQX MFP T2B D Hoy/J Hoy 4.36 3.70
6 11.37 Kelsi — MACH8 Loneacre’s Found A Peanut RA MXC2 MJS3 PJD MFS TQX T2B2 CA SWN SCM SIE SBA SHDN L Baitinger 4.20 3.58
7 10.99 Tear Em Up Tiffany Tiff Trinity AXP MJP OFP A Johnson-Mozzetti/B Mozzetti 4.51 3.24
8 10.94 PACH Tear Em Up Trinity MXP3 MXPB MJP4 MJPB PAX XFP A Johnson-Mozzetti/B Mozzetti 4.17 3.38
9 10.93 MACH Southcross Double Feature UDX2 OM4 BN GN VER RAE MXB MJB SE RATO CGC TKA C Carter 4.11 3.41
10 10.77 MACH7 PACH Abbey No Gayle Conley MXC2 MJB3 MXP4 MXPB MJP4 MJPB PAX MXF T2B3 S Conley 4.20 3.28

12″ Preferred

  Power Score Dog Owner JWW YPS STD YPS
1 11.39 Max Von Moritz AX AXJ S Meeks 4.51 3.44
2 10.51 MACH Charlie MXB MJS MXP2 MXPB MJP3 MJPB XF T2B2 L Maloof 4.04 3.24
3 9.11 PACH Eclipse Darby RN MXP8 MXPG MJP8 MJPG PAX2 XFP RATS TKP M McArdle 3.29 2.91
4 8.83 Eclipse Kaegan Arthur MXP4 MXPB MJP4 MJPB NFP A Winston 3.56 2.64


Attention AKC Competitors
