​​​​Portuguese Water Dog Ranking by PowerScore for 2024 For Q3 through Q4 (July – December)

Portuguese Water Dog Ranking by PowerScore for 2024 For Q3 through Q4 (July – December)

The Breed Power 10 is a group of the top 10 dogs in each breed at each height ranked by PowerScore. The Breed Power 10 recognizes the fastest dogs in our sport by using average yards per second, rather than double qualifying (QQ) runs or points. Learn more about the Breed Power 10 and the PowerScore.

A Note About 2024
In 2024, the AKC removed the table from master levels classes effective July 1st, 2024. The removal of a 5 second pause in a standard run completely changes the Yard Per Second of courses from before July 1st versus after July 1st. We have decided, for this year, to put out two final rankings, one for January – June, which includes the table. And one for July-December where there is no table.

In 2025, we will return to one year end ranking with quarterly checkpoints.

Go Back to the Breed Power 10 for 2024 For Q3 Through Q4

16″ Regular

  Power Score Dog Owner JWW YPS STD YPS
1 14.51 Lyngar’s Hurry Up And Slow Me Down In Baypoint BN RI MX MXJ MJB MFB T2B SWN CGCU TKI FTR S Weyland/J Berger/L Benson 5.00 4.76
2 14.26 MACH Allyn The Eagles Are Coming VCD2 UDX BN RE MXB MJB MXF SWE SCM SIM SBM L Mowbray/C Wetherholt 5.00 4.63
3 12.86 Poseidons Water Sprite RN AX AXJ OF S Rosenburg 4.46 4.20
4 12.60 GCH CH Maritimo’s Goin’ With The Wind CD BN RE MX MXJ MXF SCN SIN SEN CGCA TKI P Johnson 4.44 4.08
5 12.36 Allyn And Spring For Joy AX MXJ OF T2B CGC TKN FTN C Bach/C Wetherholt 4.86 3.75
6 12.32 Allyn The Withywindle RA MX MXJ XF TKI FTN C Wetherholt/S Brown/T Hunter 4.26 4.03
7 12.06 Seaworthy’s Lookout Here I Come AX AXJ OF BCAT TKN S Malick/J Malick 3.86 4.10
8 10.92 Allyn A Spring Splash Of Brown Sugar CDX BN MX AXJ OF G Erskine/R Levinowsky 4.20 3.36

20″ Regular

  Power Score Dog Owner JWW YPS STD YPS
1 16.45 CH Paragon-Hytide Wait ‘Til The Midnight Hour AX MXJ NF T2B CGC TKN S Caruso/R Caruso 5.92 5.27
2 15.71 CH Saltwater Unsinkable Molly Brown Of Roseknoll RN MX AXJ NAP MXF DCAT SWN SCA SIA SEA FTI E Leyda 5.69 5.01
3 15.32 MACH5 Lakeshore Surf’s Up O’Neill MXB2 PDS MJS2 PJS MFS TQX T2B4 K Keeshen/B Keeshen 5.46 4.93
4 15.22 Cutwater Zoom Zoom Zora CD BN RE MX MXJ MJB MXF T2B BCAT SWE SIM SEM SBM CGC TKA FTA D Schaub/L Weiner 5.31 4.95
5 15.20 Cutwater Born To Run AX AXJ NF BCAT ACT1 ACT2J RATS CGC B Kerensky 5.49 4.86
6 14.73 CH CT MACH3 Rustyco Mount Quincy Adams RI FDC MXB2 PAD MJG2 PJD MFC TQX T2B8 ACT2 SWA SEE SHDN CGCA CGCU TKP H Kelly/J Rust/T Rust 5.22 4.75
7 14.61 Baypoint’s Rumble At Waikiki MX MXB MXJ MJB MXF T2B2 TKN L Kinney 5.00 4.80
8 14.58 Kalista Zummon With A Wave CDX BN RM MX MXJ MJB MXF TKA P Kerezsi/T Kittrell/L Hunt 5.34 4.62
9 14.34 Mr Bay RN MX MXJ XF BCAT CGC TKN T Hosking 4.72 4.81
10 14.29 RACH Sisu’s Skinny Dippin Diva CD BN RM2 RAE2 MX MXJ MXF T2B CAA DCAT ACT2 SWA SCEE SEEE SEM SIE CZ8B DN CGCA TKA FTN G Baker 5.19 4.55

16″ Preferred

  Power Score Dog Owner JWW YPS STD YPS
1 16.69 Elkrun’s Olive’s Spring Awakening Marshview MXP MJP MFP T Bennett/T CALDARELLA 5.52 5.58
2 15.47 CH AGCH MACH5 PACH2 Sun Joy’s Back In Time At Kalista RI MXG2 PAD MJB3 PJD MXP6 MXPS MJP7 MJPS PAX2 MFS TQX T2B3 T2BP L Hunt/S Kott 5.38 5.04
3 14.85 True North N Cutwater Simply Irresistible MX MXJ MXF T2B TKA FTI J Bullis/G Sinks 5.31 4.77
4 14.69 CH PACH Mariner Yellow Submarine UDX PCD OM2 BN RE AX AXJ MXP4 MXPB MJP3 MJPB PAX OFP SWN SCA SIA SEA FTN C McCullough 5.84 4.43
5 14.40 GCH CH RACH Calypso’s Northern Star CDX GO VER RM2 RAE2 MX MXJ MXF T2B CAA DCAT ACT2 SWA SIAE SEAE RATN DS CGCA TKA FTN V Baker/L Allingham 5.44 4.48
6 14.26 GCH CH Freestyle Iridescence CD RE MX MXJ MJB MJP MXF MFP T2B SWA SENE SCE SEE SBE SHDA CGCA CGCU TKI FTA J Cucura/S Cucura/J Freeman 5.12 4.57
7 14.24 Hunter Ketch And Release RI MX MXJ MXP2 MJP OF XFP BCAT CGC TKA T Watkins 5.64 4.30
8 14.20 CH MACH Allegiance Fishing For Compliments BN RN MXB MJS MXP MJP2 MFB T2B2 CGCA TKA I Israel/A Lane 5.37 4.41
9 13.91 PACH Pouch Cove Sweet Marlie Rose MXP3 MXPB MJP3 MJPB PAX ACT1 M Gernhardt 5.11 4.40
10 13.61 Cove’s End Bewitched RN MX MXJ XF ACT2 CGC TKI P MURPHY 4.67 4.47


Attention AKC Competitors
