​​​​Shetland Sheepdog Ranking by PowerScore for 2001

The Breed Power 10 is a group of the top 10 dogs in each breed at each height ranked by PowerScore. The Breed Power 10 recognizes the fastest dogs in our sport by using average yards per second, rather than double qualifying (QQ) runs or points. Learn more about the Breed Power 10 and the PowerScore.
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12″ Regular

  Power Score Dog Owner JWW YPS STD YPS
1 12.97 NAC MACH5 Hidyho Run For The Money CD MXS2 MJS2 XF E Schaefer 5.18 3.90
2 12.34 NAC MACH2 Dunade Can’t Catch Casey MXS MJG K Gaydos 4.89 3.72
3 12.17 MACH Strathspey Allta Forest Poet MXB MJB B Davis/L Castle 4.54 3.82
4 11.88 MACH Foxbow’s Leave Me Breathless MXS MJS K Gaydos/D Gaydos 4.78 3.55
5 11.74 NAC MACH7 Marshland Fantom Of The Opra TD PT MXC2 MJB3 K Leggett/J Leggett 4.55 3.59
6 11.63 Hobi’s First Edition UD AX AXJ L Nelson/K Lynch 4.29 3.67
7 11.61 MACH3 River’s Edge Ultimate Amoco CD MXC MJS2 MXP MJP4 MJPB OF B Pelton/J Pelton 4.89 3.36
8 11.51 MACH8 Taylors Blue Lace MXC2 MJB3 N Taylor/J Taylor 4.55 3.48
9 11.39 MACH Triune’s KC Southern’s Casey MXB MJS D Berry 4.58 3.40
10 11.25 MACH14 Sunshine Making A Splash RN HSAs MXS4 MJC4 XF S Crank 4.52 3.36

16″ Regular

  Power Score Dog Owner JWW YPS STD YPS
1 13.52 NAC MACH5 Hidyho Run For The Money CD MXS2 MJS2 XF E Schaefer 5.37 4.08
2 13.14 Romayne’s All Wrapped Up TD MX AXJ L Michaels/A Michaels 5.36 3.89
3 13.07 Shawnas Lil Bit O Kaos MX MXB MXJ M Wald 5.16 3.95
4 13.03 MACH7 Strathspey Northern Lights UD MXG2 MJC2 AXP MJP NFP B Davis 5.13 3.95
5 12.90 NAC MACH9 Wildrose Taylormade Tazmania CDX RA MXS3 MJG3 J Lavalley 5.17 3.86
6 12.87 MACH Robbie Of Robson MXS MJS D Robson 5.12 3.87
7 12.87 MACH5 Misha MXS2 MJS2 N Aso 5.27 3.80
8 12.75 MACH2 Joy’s Little Man Turbo MXC MJB2 B Lombard/R Hoffman 5.21 3.77
9 12.64 MACH Good Time’s Bayly’s Banchor MXB MJB S Lemche 4.84 3.90
10 12.58 MACH5 Triune’s Midnight Cowboy CD RN MXG2 MJG2 AXP AJP XF NFP J Meyer 5.15 3.72

20″ Regular

  Power Score Dog Owner JWW YPS STD YPS
1 13.50 MACH Triune’s Triple Crown MXS MJS L Michaels 5.54 3.98
2 12.79 MACH Leonardo Of Fairacres MXS MJS NAP NJP B Thomas/C Chisholm-Thomas 5.11 3.84
3 12.14 Rusty Claire CD AX MXJ NJP K Davenport 4.58 3.78
4 11.83 MACH2 Kelshire Ransom’s Legacy MXG MJS J Morse/R Morse 4.85 3.49
5 11.29 Jim Dandy Ima Resq CDX MX MXJ M Ramsay 4.75 3.27
6 11.21 MACH Eastbrook’s Wild Blue Yonder UD RE PT MXS MJS AJP C Spoor 4.48 3.36
7 10.79 MACH Leeason’s Oscar Nominee CDX HS MXS MJB S Labo 4.23 3.28
8 10.65 MACH U Gotta B In It To Win It MXS MJS S Chiavelli 4.61 3.02
9 10.12 MACH2 Topnotch Trevor’s Bold N Blu CD PT MXG MJS2 L O’Brien/R O’Brien 3.97 3.08
10 10.10 MACH Bear XXIII UD MXS MJS AXP AJP M Vann 4.01 3.05


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