​​​​Swedish Vallhund Ranking by PowerScore for 2017 Q2

The Breed Power 10 is a group of the top 10 dogs in each breed at each height ranked by PowerScore. The Breed Power 10 recognizes the fastest dogs in our sport by using average yards per second, rather than double qualifying (QQ) runs or points. Learn more about the Breed Power 10 and the PowerScore.
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8″ Regular

  Power Score Dog Owner JWW YPS STD YPS
1 13.23 Vastgota Nina Ricci MX MXS MXJ MJG XF T2B3 A Lowery 5.00 4.11
2 12.53 MACH2 Alkemi Blade Runner Ls MXG MJG OF T2B2 A Lowery 4.72 3.90
3 11.86 Mill Creek’s Chyna Rust RN MX MXB MXJ NF CA M Arszman/D Tapp 4.42 3.72
4 11.23 Pavon Eleanor Rigby UD RE AX AXJ NF T Garwacki 4.44 3.40
5 10.17 MACH4 Kavotte Wildphire MXC MJC MFB TQX H Polhamus 3.83 3.17

12″ Regular

  Power Score Dog Owner JWW YPS STD YPS
1 13.10 Kavotte Ring O’ Phire MX MXJ MJB XF T2B L Sigman 4.77 4.16
2 12.98 Fantasi Knight Of Flowers AX AXJ D Jelich 4.80 4.09
3 12.06 Fantasi Orell At Caliente AX AXJ NAP OF RATO CGCA CGCU C Haas/M Fromm 4.90 3.58
4 10.87 MACH Sunfire Smoke Rising RN MXG MJS OF T2B M LeRoy/S Clingenpeel 3.97 3.45
5 9.55 CH MACH Sunfire’s Class Act RN MXS MJS OF T2B S Clingenpeel/M Leroy 3.54 3.00

8″ Preferred

  Power Score Dog Owner JWW YPS STD YPS
1 12.23 PACH3 Minikota’s Sweet Music Man TD MXP8 MXPG MJP9 MJPG PAX3 XFP T2BP2 CAA BCAT R Foster/L Schaunaman 4.50 3.86
2 10.34 Triskit — GCH CH PACH4 Minikota’s Firecracker Triskit RE MXP11 MXPC MJP10 MJPC PAX4 XFP T2BP D Schneider/L Schaunaman 3.93 3.20
3 10.16 PACH Caliente Lunar Escape RE MX MXB MXJ MXP3 MXPB MJP3 MJPB PAX MXF MFP T2B T2BP K Hill 3.72 3.22
4 9.78 Apollo — PACH6 Nycalo Apollo Thor Singleton CDX GO MXP17 MXPG2 MJP18 MJPG2 PAX6 MFPB TQXP T2BP3 M Singleton 3.74 3.02
5 8.82 PACH Solborg Hermione Ellie Mae Av Toppen MXP6 MXPS MJP6 MJPS PAX2 XFP T2BP2 M Singleton 3.36 2.73
6 8.80 CH PACH Fantasi Starlight Tiwaz CD BN RAE PT MXP8 MXPG MJP6 MJPS PAX2 NFP THD RATN M Gooden 3.54 2.63
7 8.20 Arwen — CH PACH3 Solborg Arwen Evenstar MXP13 MXPB2 MJP14 MJPB2 PAX5 MFP TQXP T2BP3 M Singleton 3.10 2.55


Attention AKC Competitors
