November 1, 2017

The Bad Dog Agility Weekly for November 1, 2017

News, commentary, and training tips for the dog agility enthusiast.

Welcome to the BDA Weekly! I want to write about the Cynosport World Games that happened this past weekend but I ate too much candy last night so I’m going to show you a video instead (made right before I ate all the candy).

In the video below, Sarah and I talk with 2017 USDAA Cynosport World Games 16″ Steeplechase winner Jennifer Crank about Halloween, the evolution of course design at Cynosport, the surface at the event, the jump height changes, and the relationship between biathlon and Grand Prix, and more!

Remarkably, Jennifer has now won every event at Cynosport over the course of her career: Steeplechase, Grand Prix, DAM Team, and Biathlon. And you can train with her online in our Invitational Prep Course, where you will study course maps, watch demonstrations, and run sequences you can set up in your training field and get the personalized feedback you need to improve your timing and execution on course.

Registration closes at noon Monday, November 6th, 2017! Jennifer, Sarah and I look forward to working with you.

Questions or Comments?
Send them to and give me a few days to get back to you. If there’s any topic you think our audience would find interesting, let us know. See you next week, it’s time for lunch…

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